What happened to the FBT blog?

I was wondering the same thing. I thought it was just my computer but I guess not.

He was planning some upgrades to the site. Maybe this is the weekend he chose to do the work.

Yeah, Matt is doing the upgrades and switching hosts this weekend.

Hokay, thanks...
Any idea when it'll be up again?

Not sure, the last update on twitter was this at about midnight: "Update will come soon, trying to fix access right now"

It is Iowa again!

Iowa had MV's site closed down because they said it looked similar to their site. When asked to explain this to a judge they said both sites had the word Blog in the title. This was causing a lot of confusion with their fans just like Southern Mississippi's Golden Eagle icon was with their icon. The Iowa judge said yea that is confusing and ordered MV's site to close down.

Iowa had MV's site closed down because they said it looked similar to their site. When asked to explain this to a judge they said both sites had the word Blog in the title. This was causing a lot of confusion with their fans just like Southern Mississippi's Golden Eagle icon was with their icon. The Iowa judge said yea that is confusing and ordered MV's site to close down.

Very good!

I had the blog on my Google Reader and noticed it stopped updating on my Google Reader. Any idea what link I need to put there to get the blog updates? I can't figure it out.

I'm not really a fan of the new format for the blog. I appreciate all the work put into it, bit it is harder to follow, images look skewed and pixelated, and there is no longer a mobile version of the blog which is where I normally read the site from.

The blog needs to stop claiming to be a Gopher's Basketball/Hockey source too.

I'm not really a fan of the new format for the blog. I appreciate all the work put into it, bit it is harder to follow, images look skewed and pixelated, and there is no longer a mobile version of the blog which is where I normally read the site from.

The blog needs to stop claiming to be a Gopher's Basketball/Hockey source too.

I agree with all but your last points. If I remember correctly Matt has talked about expanding the site into basketball and hockey eventually in the future. I don't see anything wrong with that.

I'm not really a fan of the new format for the blog. I appreciate all the work put into it, bit it is harder to follow, images look skewed and pixelated, and there is no longer a mobile version of the blog which is where I normally read the site from.

The blog needs to stop claiming to be a Gopher's Basketball/Hockey source too.
Share your thoughts with Matt (and if you haven't then quit yer complaining until you do). He's basically a one man show as far as I know and feedback from his readers has to be important to him.

QUICK EDIT: Sorry for the saltiness...especially if you've already sent something to MV. I actually share some of the same annoyances (especially the mobile one) but this sort of thing is part of the territory with a site redesign so I don't get too bothered by it. I'm confident he'll continue to make improvements as time allows (he does have a full time job). Also, he's put the call out recently for people with more Gophers bball knowledge to step forward since it is admittedly not his strongest area.

ya... since it changed I have been visiting it less. Perhaps it is just me but I find it harder to follow now.

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