What can we learn about Coyle's handling of Claeys as it relates to hoops?


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Nov 20, 2008
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Anything we can glean about Coyle and how he may handle coaching changes? The one comment I liked is that he said the feeling of being at Final Four last year with Syracuse was addicting.

Pitino has been put on notice. A .750 winning percentage will get you fired.

We learned that Pitino better be careful because if he has too good of a season he'll get canned!!

Off-court performance is just as, if not more, important than on-court performance

If you're not Coyle's guy (which Pitino isn't) then you need to:

1. over-index on wins
2. recruit well
3. be a positive, outgoing face of your program and the University
4. sell tickets and fill your arena

at this point I would say he satisfies 2 and 3, and has fallen short of 1 and 4 (although he could really change both with wins like those against Purdue). If he doesn't improve on 1 and 4 he's going to be gone too.

Pitino has the trajectory of the program looking up in terms of winning games and in the world of recruiting. He had an off-court screw up happen on his watch last year and he reacted in unison with the administration to suspend the players for the rest of the year, even though the players involved were not arrested charged or even accused of anything worse than bad judgement. Pitino is a great communicator and is in good standing and we should be hoping to be able to retain him for a good long time. My guess is that the Barn will be full for much of the rest of this year and next. In my view his situation is nothing like Claeys other than the fact that he was not Coyle's hire.

Pitino is safer than he has ever been. Coyle has used his one get out of jail free card on Claeys. Barring a massive scandal or an awful, awful season, no way could he try to fire Pitino and survive.

The Claeys bungling by Dumb and Dumber is the best thing to happen to Pitino (outside of course of actually assembling a good team). That said I think he will be gone after this year if they do well. He has taken a lot of crap from the department (case in point the rental car stuff) and likely could find a more supportive program.

If you're not Coyle's guy (which Pitino isn't) then you need to:

1. over-index on wins
2. recruit well
3. be a positive, outgoing face of your program and the University
4. sell tickets and fill your arena

at this point I would say he satisfies 2 and 3, and has fallen short of 1 and 4 (although he could really change both with wins like those against Purdue). If he doesn't improve on 1 and 4 he's going to be gone too.
. Coyle's firing appears to have little to do with winning percentages, recruiting and filling an arena. I read the 80 plus report on the situation that occurred and it was tragic, horrific and disgusting. Why Claeys would support the boycott after this happened is just bizarre.

Pitino is safer than he has ever been. Coyle has used his one get out of jail free card on Claeys. Barring a massive scandal or an awful, awful season, no way could he try to fire Pitino and survive.

The Claeys bungling by Dumb and Dumber is the best thing to happen to Pitino (outside of course of actually assembling a good team). That said I think he will be gone after this year if they do well. He has taken a lot of crap from the department (case in point the rental car stuff) and likely could find a more supportive program.
. Hopefully he feels compelled to stay to continue developing strong teams. It has taken him a while to get to this point and why start over when it appears the future teams will get stronger each year?

Off-court performance is just as, if not more, important than on-court performance

Pitino has had very little tolerance for off the court crap as shown by the suspensions of the video 3 and Lynch. He acted quickly and let the U's process play through. Of course, it might have been different with Lynch if the accusation was during the season.

I think people who are worried about Pitino leaving need to look back a couple years when people were worried Pitino was leaving.

With that said...he has recruited well the past couple of years, is well-spoken and understands the fans want a good product. He currently has a good (great?) product with a ton of promise and the ever important LOCAL KID angle that Minnesota adores. Coffey did him a huge solid by committing here (and staying after the video 3 were whatevered) and bringing Curry with him. Coyle can't afford to fire him after Woody's extension.

For better or for worse, Pitino is here for a bit. I think its for the better.

When your players are suspended during a sex scandal don't have your team go on strike.

Honestly all this makes me realize how well Pitino dealt with the whole situation last year.

When your players are suspended during a sex scandal don't have your team go on strike.

Honestly all this makes me realize how well Pitino dealt with the whole situation last year.


Pitino is safer than he has ever been. Coyle has used his one get out of jail free card on Claeys. Barring a massive scandal or an awful, awful season, no way could he try to fire Pitino and survive.

The Claeys bungling by Dumb and Dumber is the best thing to happen to Pitino (outside of course of actually assembling a good team). That said I think he will be gone after this year if they do well. He has taken a lot of crap from the department (case in point the rental car stuff) and likely could find a more supportive program.

Pitino and Claeys are night and day. Coyle is trying to find a coach for the football program that has the qualities that Pitino already has and I think Coyle knows it. It hasn't taken long, but the leverage is now with Pitino. Nobody was going to come beating down our door for Claeys, everyone will come for Pitino after this season. Luckily we have new facilities and Pitino's team next year will be even better than this year, which is scary. If anything, we need to give P a new contact after this season and extend him.

As long as Pitino can get his players to have the girl they are about to **** sign contracts and waivers not to make accusations, he will be fine

Pitino has the trajectory of the program looking up in terms of winning games and in the world of recruiting. He had an off-court screw up happen on his watch last year and he reacted in unison with the administration to suspend the players for the rest of the year, even though the players involved were not arrested charged or even accused of anything worse than bad judgement. Pitino is a great communicator and is in good standing and we should be hoping to be able to retain him for a good long time. My guess is that the Barn will be full for much of the rest of this year and next. In my view his situation is nothing like Claeys other than the fact that he was not Coyle's hire.


Pitino has the trajectory of the program looking up in terms of winning games and in the world of recruiting. He had an off-court screw up happen on his watch last year and he reacted in unison with the administration to suspend the players for the rest of the year, even though the players involved were not arrested charged or even accused of anything worse than bad judgement. Pitino is a great communicator and is in good standing and we should be hoping to be able to retain him for a good long time. My guess is that the Barn will be full for much of the rest of this year and next. In my view his situation is nothing like Claeys other than the fact that he was not Coyle's hire.

When Coyle got the police report last fall, why didn't he act in unison with Claeys to continue the suspensions of the players directly involved, and not reinstate them ?

The main thing Coyle has made clear thus far is that the hammer will come down if your team misbehaves off the court/field. I think Coyle sees his first year's purpose as cleaning up the department. Personally, I like it. Let's be honest, there have been too many negative off-the court/field incidents in the recent history of Gopher sports. Coyle is trying to change that culture, and changing culture is almost always ugly in the beginning. Coaches and athletes are now well aware -- if you screw up off the court/field there will be severe consequences. To answer the question of how it relates to hoops...I think Pitino is safe as long as he wins and his players are behaving off the court. Which, at the most basic level, is how it should be. His team is currently winning a good amount of games and abiding by the rules, so he's fine right now. Assuming no off-court incidents, I think Pitino is safe as long as he has a respectable season. I think no major off-court issues plus making the NIT will mean Pitino's job is safe.

I also think Coyle is a "fall in line" guy. If Coyle makes a decision he expects you to abide by it and toe the company line. Pitino seems to be the kind of guy who does this so I think that works in his favor.

The main thing Coyle has made clear thus far is that the hammer will come down if your team misbehaves off the court/field. I think Coyle sees his first year's purpose as cleaning up the department. Personally, I like it. Let's be honest, there have been too many negative off-the court/field incidents in the recent history of Gopher sports. Coyle is trying to change that culture, and changing culture is almost always ugly in the beginning. Coaches and athletes are now well aware -- if you screw up off the court/field there will be severe consequences. To answer the question of how it relates to hoops...I think Pitino is safe as long as he wins and his players are behaving off the court. Which, at the most basic level, is how it should be. His team is currently winning a good amount of games and abiding by the rules, so he's fine right now. Assuming no off-court incidents, I think Pitino is safe as long as he has a respectable season. I think no major off-court issues plus making the NIT will mean Pitino's job is safe.

I also think Coyle is a "fall in line" guy. If Coyle makes a decision he expects you to abide by it and toe the company line. Pitino seems to be the kind of guy who does this so I think that works in his favor.

I think you're giving Coyle too much credit. All I have seen is someone who's good at mouthing platitudes and talking points - but has a great deal of difficulty explaining himself when he's not reciting the talking points. In the FB situation, it's pretty darn clear that Coyle wanted to get rid of Claeys - and was likely starting his coaching search before Claeys was officially fired. Coyle also was one of the main reasons why the FB team began the boycott. Read the interview in the Pioneer Press with Gaelin Elmore from the FB team. It makes Coyle (and Kaler) sound like complete jerks.

In fact - here's a prediction - Richard Pitino will be at the U of MN longer than Coyle. (because I think there is a good chance the Board of Regents is going to drop the hammer on Kaler, and Coyle could be on shaky ground, too for the way he's handled the entire incident.)

. Hopefully he feels compelled to stay to continue developing strong teams. It has taken him a while to get to this point and why start over when it appears the future teams will get stronger each year?

If his teams keep the trajectory of this year, I have to think a position may possibly be opening up for him sooner than later in LOUISVILLE.......
Just a guess...

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