What Became of Search Committees?


Oct 19, 2010
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Seems like the current process is a phone call - do you want to coach here? It has really become musical chairs this year. Do you think Tuberville not coaching the bowl game affects the outcome? How?

Much more useful when you're trying to fill a job that nobody wants.

By the way, the list of guys turning the Badgers down now includes Jones and Peterson. More to come?

Search committees are not efficient for hiring people for jobs that need to be filled quickly. Although I think that committees can make good decisions in hiring coaches, they are painfully slow and there are always leaks to the press, etc. Unless a coach announces his/her retirement in advance committees are not a good option IMHO.

Maybe I am confused, but I thought GopherHolers were the best Search Committee around.

Maybe I am confused, but I thought GopherHolers were the best Search Committee around.

You got that right Dr.Don! Not only that the GopherHole has more experts on recruiting than any staff in the country. We are truly blessed.:cheer:

Maybe I am confused, but I thought GopherHolers were the best Search Committee around.
Nope, I think you have GH confused with Barry Alvarez.

Maybe I am confused, but I thought GopherHolers were the best Search Committee around.

+1. The State of Minnesota thrives on search committees. Once you get past three members, any committee is counterproductive at best worthless at worst.

Search committees have gone away with the development of the Internet apparently. Or maybe Wisconsin just sees some sort of benefit of posting an application to get losers like me to apply and secretly try to drive their program into the dirt.


I'm not sure whether you're joking, but there's no cost/benefit analysis to posting jobs like this. They have to post and make available to the public almost every (if not literally every) job that becomes available by law.

I think we should set up a committee to discus this.

Just as a point of reference; when McKinnley Boston was first hired as AD, he had previously served on 'The NCAA Committee to Oversee Committees'.

+1. The State of Minnesota thrives on search committees. Once you get past three members, any committee is counterproductive at best worthless at worst.

You have obviously dealt with them. So true.

Maybe they have AD's a little less scared to actually use their own judgment and ambitious enough to actually call around. While I will not question the result of our last search (I have always said even if he doesn't pan out I think he was a good choice based on the options), I really question whether that limited the availability of some of the better coaches. Based on the leaks, etc. supposedly a lot of coaches won't throw their names in the hat to a search committee. I would imagine Tuberville would not have done so with Cincinatti, for example.

A lot of negativity associated with committees. That is why I prefer blue-ribbon panels.

Maybe they have AD's a little less scared to actually use their own judgment and ambitious enough to actually call around. While I will not question the result of our last search (I have always said even if he doesn't pan out I think he was a good choice based on the options), I really question whether that limited the availability of some of the better coaches. Based on the leaks, etc. supposedly a lot of coaches won't throw their names in the hat to a search committee. I would imagine Tuberville would not have done so with Cincinatti, for example.

The search committee had absolutely nothing to do with the Kill hire. After Maturi bungled the process for months and was shot down by many...he made a call to on a Friday and made a hire on a Sunday. We could have saved ourselves much embarrassment and money if he simply would have made the call right away (as if he knew who Jerry Kill was until just before he made the call).

I credit Maturi for proving that search committees do not result in quality hires for head coaches and should never be used...what the hell does a couple of student athletes and a history professor know about hiring a coach that a qualified (not Maturi) AD doesn't know? Freaking waste of time.

The Committee Committee will meet to discuss this further.

...when McKinley Boston was first hired as AD, he had previously served on 'The NCAA Committee to Oversee Committees'.

The 'NCAA Committee to Oversee Committees' will have much less to concern itself with, starting in 2017, as the 4 Super Conferences finally make the move to go off and have their own version of March Madness in December, apart from the NCAA.


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