
Whaley needs more touches but needs head screwed on straight

No more getting in fights at bars and punching bouncers. This kid has a future
in football if he doesn't piss it away. Stay out of trouble, stay eligible and
play football and he can make some dollars playing this game in the future.

Someone mentioned it in another thread but he's not the biggest kid on the team. They might be limiting his carries early on to get him through the season.

He hits the hole at full speed almost every time. Plus he is fast enough to get around the edge. Give him the ball!!!

A lot of people on this board (I won't name names, but one example below :)) have been wondering why Whaley wasn't the featured back earlier day 1. His little "unofficial" suspension/injury must've really set him back, either on the field or in the minds of the staff.

Now Whaley, OTOH, I really feel is a better player than our other backs. From what I saw in Spring practice/game and his limited action so far this year, he's so much more decisive and explosive than our other backs...it seems fairly obvious to me. IMHO, he must be in the doghouse big time...



This is what I said last week, "Why isn't Whaley on the field? I want the guy that has to get to get tasered, not 1x, not 2x, buy 3x to get apprehended by the cops. THAT'S MY RUNNINGBACK!"

He's been in trouble since starting college football. I think he got shot last August/September, and then he did the taser thing is winter. That's probably what's been keeping him out of the starting lineup. He was listed at 166 pounds as a 2008 recruit. Now he's listed at 179. So, his size is a good argument. He needs to pack on the pounds. He reminded me a lot of Javid Best when he was here with Cal. He's got similar vision, balance, power, and agility. He's got a long way to go to be as good as Best, but that's a heck of a compliment. If he can stay out of trouble and jail and stay in school instead, he's got a chance...

Anyway, spread the word. Anytime he's in or has a big play, help start the the chant: TAZR, TAZR, TAZR, TAZR (Long "A" and should be done similar to "Rudy" from the movie). I think it will catch on. We've done it a little the last two games, and I think it will stick. We need more help, though. What do you guys think?

What a nickname! Love it!

Kevin "Taser" Whaley

He may be running better but he is still jerk.

Ok - I received the report back already. There are six supplements that describe the case. It is long - but I decided to post all of it so nobody would think I would remove or select only certain portions of the report.

Case Supplements
6 supplements begin on the following page.

Supplement number: 1 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 007619 - Heidi Eisenbeis

On 11/01/2008, I was riding in the Mounted Patrol squad car northbound on Hennepin Av. I saw Officer NELSON and Officer MCCAFFERTY in a doorway fighting with a male. It appeared that they were having difficuties with him and that the male was trying to get away from them.

I got out of the squad car and went over to assist them. AP was standing in the doorway. I saw AP throw up his elbows and almost struck Officer NELSON in the face. I told AP that if he did not stop resisting that I would use my taser on him. I took out the firing dart cartridge and just had the touch stun effective. AP kept swearing at us and kept trying to fight, throwing elbows and using his body strength to pull away.

Officer NELSON was able to bring AP down to the ground where AP continued to try to get up, twisting his body. I was leaning on his lower back area and he kept twisting his hips as if he was trying to get away from us. I again told AP to stop resisting or he would be tased. He said "*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# that" and twisted again almost getting my weight off of him. At this point, I gave AP a touch stun with the taser to the lower back. He complied for a few seconds but again started twisting.

Officer NELSON and Officer MCCAFFERTY escorted him to the squad car. As they were approaching the squad car, AP pushed his way towards me. I was not able to push him back so I again touch stunned him, this time in the stomach area. They were then able to get AP into the rear of the squad.

While in the back of the squad AP was kicking so that they were not able to get the squad door closed. I told him to quit resisting, get in the car or I would tase him again. He kicked out at me, striking me in the left hand. I was able to get in the squad and gave him another touch stun as Officer MCCAFFERTY opened the other door and pulled him in. After the taser cycled through, AP stated "OK, OK" and he did not continue fighting.
END of Supplement 1

Supplement number: 2 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 004971 - Eric Nelson

On 11-01-2008 I was working in a downtown warehouse bar beat in the area of 5th st and Hennepin Ave N with my partner Officer Mccafferty. Officers were talking with the manger of the Element Bar (W/1 Buhler). When we observed AP/1 Whaley take a swing with his fist and strike the front security door person in the face (V/1 Mohlenkamp). As other security went to assist Mohlenkamp I grabbed onto the back of Whaley's dreadlocks and pushed him away from the front door of the nightclub. As I was going to place him under arrest for Assault 5 V/1 Mohlenkamp told Officers that he just wanted Whaley to leave the area.

At this time Whaley spun out of my grasp and stated I am out of here. I informed Whaley that if he came back to the Element Nightclub that I was going to place him under arrest as he walked SB on Hennepin Ave from 5th St.

It should be noted that W/1 Buhler and W/2 Barna were standing right next to Mohlenkamp when this incident took place.

As Officers were standing across the street from Element Nightclub we were flagged down by Element Security. As Officers walked over to the Element I observed that Whaley was right in the face of Mohlenkamp and I believed that he was going to start fighting again. At this time I grabbed onto Whaley and informed him he was under arrest. Whaley immediately tried to flee from Officers, but I was able to grab onto Whaley and put him in a headlock as Whaley continued to try and get away from Officers. As Officer Mccafferty and I were ordering Whaley to place his hands behind his back he refused and continued to fight with Officers. Whaley was fighting to get away from Officer so hard that as Officers were trying to gain control of him we both fell into the street on Hennepin Ave as their was gridlock traffic. As Officers got Whaley to the ground he continued to fight with us and kept trying to push himself up and get away. I gave Whaley several knee strikes to the side of his torso in an attempt to get control of his left arm.

I was finally able to get a handcuff on Whaley's left arm as he continued to struggle with Officers. Officer Mccafferty kept ordering Whaley to place his other hand behind his back but he refused. It should be noted that as this was going on Whaley was continuing to try and get up from the street. After struggling with Officers for several minutes we were able to get him handcuffed and got him out of the street.

As Officers were walking Mccafferty out of the street he told Officers to take the handcuffs off because he was going to kick our asses. As Officers were searching Whaley incident to arrest he swung his right arm at me hitting me in the top of the head with his elbow stating *&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# you bitch.

Officers again took Whaley to the ground and told him to stop resisting Officers. Whaley continued to verbally assault Officer and try and get away from us as Officers had him pinned on the ground.

Officers Eisenbeis has to use a taser stun to get Whaley to stop being combative with Officers. As Officers were waiting for the booking van to arrive we escorted Whaley to the our squad that was parked in the street. As we walked Whaley to the squad he kept saying *&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# you bitches and tried to head butt Officer Mccafferty. As Officers were placing Mccafferty in the squad he refused to place his feet in the squad and kept kicking the door forcefully at Officers. At this time Officer Eisenbeis gave Whaley two more taser stuns and Officers were finally able to get the squad door shut.

When Officer Archer and Harrington pulled up in the booking van they transferred Whaley from our squad to the Van as he continued to verbally assault Officers. Whaley was transported to HCJ where he was charged with Assault 5 and Obstructing Legal Process with Force. V/1 Mohlenkamp told Officers that he did not need medical attention.
END of Supplement 2

Supplement number: 3 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 004530 - Daniel McCafferty

Supplement of Off D.McCafferty #004530 on 11/01/2008 03:41
On 10/31/2008 while working off duty #6172 with my partner Officer Nelson #4971 we speaking with management at Element nightclub. While speaking with management I observed A1 strike V1 in the face with a closed fist. At this time, at the request of Element nightclub, we sent A1 from the scene because V1 just wanted him sent. We advised A1 if he returns that he would be arrested. We returned to the NE corner of 5th Street and Hennepin Ave. I then observed A1 walk back towards the front door of Element Nightclub.

My partner then began to cross the street back towards Element because of what we earlier advised A1 and fear that he may attempt to assault V1 again. As we approached A1 from behind I could see he was standing directly in front of V1, almost nose to nose, arguing. Fearing A1 would again strike V1 Nelson informed A1 he was under arrest and attempted to place A1 into custody. My partner grabbed A1's right arm and he immediately began resisting. I grabbed A1's left arm and he began to spin away from us into the middle of Hennepin Ave. While in the middle of the street I was ordering A1 to place his hands behind his back. A1 actively resisted by pulling away and swinging his hands yelling, "*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# That!" and "*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# You!" at officers. I could see A1 had his arms wrapped around my partner's waist and I delivered two knee strikes to A1's torso. At this time we fell to the ground and I was able to position myself on top of A1's torso. A1 was actively grabbing at me so I delivered one right handed punch to A1's face while yelling at him to stop resisting. A1 continued to resist and I delivered 7 elbows place his hands behind his back. I then delivered 6-7 right handed elbows to A1's face while yelling at him to place his hands behind his back. I heard my partner yelling at him to place his hands behind his back several times. I then gained control of A1's right hand and was able to secure it behind his back.

We then moved A1 to the East side of Hennepin Ave into the entryway of a door so we would be out of the street. While conducting a custodial search I saw A1 swing his right arm and strike my partner in the head with his right elbow as he yelled, "*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# You Bitch!"

We then placed A1 back on the ground due to him still attempting to assault officers. We were then assisted by several other officers, including Officer Eisenbeis #7619. A1 continued to yell obscenities while lying on the ground. Booking Van #149 was then requested to transport A1.

We then began to move A1 to the rear of our squad until the booking van arrived. While walking A1 to our squad, which was parked in the bike lane of Hennepin Ave A1 kicked a cab which was passing by. After passing the cab A1 attempted to head butt me. A1 was then placed in the rear seat of our squad and began yelling obscenities at officers again. Eisenbeis attempted to close the squad door but A1 began kicking the squad door so I went to the passenger side to pull him while Eisenbeis attempted from the driver side. I pulled A1 in from the passenger side. When I saw Eisenbeis had her door secure I heard A1 yell, "*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@# You! You *&^@#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@#ed up my career!" as I was closing my door.

A1 was then transferred to the booking van. A1 was placed in the back alone and I heard A1 kicking the doors of the booking van.
END of Supplement 3

Supplement number: 4 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 004971 - Eric Nelson

It should be noted that the original incident between AP/1 Whaley and V/1 Mohlenkamp started when Whaley did not have proper identification to get into the Element Nightclub. When Mohlenkamp asked Whaley to move away from the front door of the club, Whaley became angry and punched Mohlenkamp in the face with his fist.
END of Supplement 4

Supplement number: 5 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 001536 - Anthony Diaz

Case reopened for the following reason:
open for investigation.
Original Queued Time for this case was 11/1/2008 5:07:08 AM.
END of Supplement 5

Supplement number: 6 CCN: MP-08-337140 Author: 007448 - Steven Wagner

Supplement of Sgt S.Wagner #007448 on 11/12/2008 11:14

I received this case for investigation on 11/3/08. After reviewing the report I contacted the City Attorney and it was decided that we would upgrade the charge against the defendant, Kevin Whaley, from a Misdemeanor to a Gross Misdemeanor Obstruct Legal Process.

END of Supplement 6

End of report for case MP-08-337140. Print ID: a4c600fb-6659-410c-abb4-4307d9885cad
"Josh087 makes one of the better points in the history of Gopherhole."
-Jags1999, 10/25/08

Gonna be honest I don't care enough to read all of that. But I did notice the report mentions AP a lot. I didn't know Whaley and Adrian Peterson were friends, maybe that's why Whaley had such a good week against Purdue. Keep helping him out AP!

Gonna be honest I don't care enough to read all of that. But I did notice the report mentions AP a lot. I didn't know Whaley and Adrian Peterson were friends, maybe that's why Whaley had such a good week against Purdue. Keep helping him out AP!

You better add a smiley face or those without sarcasm meters will start wailing about how dumb you are to think Purple Jesus was involved.

Whaley physically looks like Tennesee Titan RB Chris Johnson.

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