We've always wanted someone who would be here....


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2008
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......for the long haul. Someone who isn't likely to pick up after turning things around and leave us standing at the alter. With that in mind, is there any better choice than Marc Trestman? I know his name doesn't have the cache of a Belloti or Leach, but what it boils down to is can you coach? Do you have the experience of a being a head coach yourself? Wouldn't you think Trestman would be good with the local high school coaches and kids? The answer to all three of those is yes, and I'll make you a bet that Trestman is the name Dungy recommends to Maturi.

I'm not saying we should lock on to him and not do due diligence. I'd like to see who is interested, both now and immediately after the season when you know some coaches may be looking for work. But hiring Trestman wouldn't bother me a bit.

He was a good qb for us. I enjoyed watching him play, but can he recruit and coach on the college level? I would think he would be a positive hire.

Golden would be the guy I'd want most. Young and hopefully could be persuaded to stay for the long haul.

I said it in another thread, but anyone who wouldn't be a candidate for any BCS conference job outside of the University of Minnesota should not be considered here either.

Maturi knows we need a big name coach in this pro sports market if one is interested. He made that pretty obvious in the press conference today.

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