Western Michigan working to release 'Row the Boat' to P.J. Fleck


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Nov 11, 2008
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per MLive.com:

The future of former Western Michigan football head coach P.J. Fleck's famous "Row the Boat" mantra has been decided, and it's going with him.

Western Michigan University trustee William Johnston said lawyers representing WMU and Fleck are working on terms to release the phrase to him.

"It's just a matter of negotiating the terms of the release of that intellectual property," Johnston said after a WMU Board of Trustees meeting.

No official announcement or details on the terms have been released, but Bronco football fans should see the phrase as good as gone.


Go Gophers!!

The slogan was related to the death of PJ's newborn son.

It would be a PR nightmare if WMU chose to hang on to it.

I can handle oars as helmet stickers, but no oars on our uniforms. Please! ����*♀️

The slogan was related to the death of PJ's newborn son.

It would be a PR nightmare if WMU chose to hang on to it.

Agreed. Also probably most appropriate for him to secure the rights individually rather than have the U own them. That way he can take it with him as he moves through his career. If the U wants to market with it they can pay him.

Agreed. Also probably most appropriate for him to secure the rights individually rather than have the U own them. That way he can take it with him as he moves through his career. If the U wants to market with it they can pay him.

it isn't about that. It's about whether he wants U of MN hats and shirts with the logo which means the U of MN must secure the rights from WMU. If it was just him saying it, no one would have needed to do anything...

Man I hope this gets cleared up. Would be devastating if it doesn't.

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it isn't about that. It's about whether he wants U of MN hats and shirts with the logo which means the U of MN must secure the rights from WMU. If it was just him saying it, no one would have needed to do anything...

That is my point. This is really something personal to him akin to a brand, so it makes sense for him to own the rights individually rather than for the U to buy the rights from WMU. If PJ buys the rights, he can license RTB to the U while he's here and take the slogan with him if he leaves. If the U buys the rights, then PJ has the same issue if he moves on to another job.

That is my point. This is really something personal to him akin to a brand, so it makes sense for him to own the rights individually rather than for the U to buy the rights from WMU. If PJ buys the rights, he can license RTB to the U while he's here and take the slogan with him if he leaves. If the U buys the rights, then PJ has the same issue if he moves on to another job.

Strib article says it's in the process of being transferred to the U, not Fleck personally.

Strib article says it's in the process of being transferred to the U, not Fleck personally.

That would seem more likely, although the MLive article above says it's Fleck's lawyer involved, not the University's lawyer. I wouldn't think the U would want someone else negotiating on its behalf.

I'm not sure why Fleck didn't trademark it. Maybe WMU thought of it and he didn't.

I'm not sure why Fleck didn't trademark it. Maybe WMU thought of it and he didn't.

See Last Section / Letter G of his WMU Contract. You can download it by clicking a link in this article. I think he covered it with the Intellectual Capital / Concepts portion. Pure guess though. That stuff is way beyond me. Found out his first name is Philip though.

I'm not sure why Fleck didn't trademark it. Maybe WMU thought of it and he didn't.

When PJ showed up at WMU he was really trying to establish some traditions and etc at WMU.

It maybe wouldn't have sounded the same if he announced "Here is a cool slogan I came up with.... that I own... for the school...."

If only there were already a 3 syllable phrase that fans could chant during games that already had an established tradition. I'll be really happy if "Row The Boat" replaces "Go Big Gold", which completely and utterly sucks on every level, and is so generic that I get angry at games when it is tried.


When something like this becomes a University of Minnesota Football issue...it is probably the time to shut down TCF BANK STADIUM and to put University of Minnesota Football to sleep for a final time. This is the most absurd footnote to GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL since the very beginning. Either go with SKI-U-MAH or shut the program down. NO "row the boat..." is needed. It ONLY cheapens everything about GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL. Coach Fleck needs to keep his personal motivations private and I really do not feel this should be incorporated into Game Day Saturday. That financial gain should come to either the University of Minnesota OR Coach Fleck OR WMU in KZOO as a result of something so private and personal as the origin of this slogan is not appropriate to generate financial gain to anyone...and I would certainly think that the University of Minnesota needs to NOT seek financial gain in this way. IF Coach Fleck believes this is a way to enrich his personal financial situation or that of his family, it is his own choice.

I really don't want to see it EVER become a part of GAME DAY SATURDAY that I must witness at the football games I pay admission charges for. Such activity violates my sensibilities and is nothing I would EVER believe is appropriate. How FAR will institutions and people go to make a few bucks more.

That would seem more likely, although the MLive article above says it's Fleck's lawyer involved, not the University's lawyer. I wouldn't think the U would want someone else negotiating on its behalf.

Maybe Fleck just wants to own it for himself so he can take it with him when he leaves Minnesota? (in 15 years after 4 Rose Bowl wins, of course)

It's not a difficult concept, but far too many hear aren't listening to the music.

When something like this becomes a University of Minnesota Football issue...it is probably the time to shut down TCF BANK STADIUM and to put University of Minnesota Football to sleep for a final time. This is the most absurd footnote to GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL since the very beginning. Either go with SKI-U-MAH or shut the program down. NO "row the boat..." is needed. It ONLY cheapens everything about GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL. Coach Fleck needs to keep his personal motivations private and I really do not feel this should be incorporated into Game Day Saturday. That financial gain should come to either the University of Minnesota OR Coach Fleck OR WMU in KZOO as a result of something so private and personal as the origin of this slogan is not appropriate to generate financial gain to anyone...and I would certainly think that the University of Minnesota needs to NOT seek financial gain in this way. IF Coach Fleck believes this is a way to enrich his personal financial situation or that of his family, it is his own choice.

I really don't want to see it EVER become a part of GAME DAY SATURDAY that I must witness at the football games I pay admission charges for. Such activity violates my sensibilities and is nothing I would EVER believe is appropriate. How FAR will institutions and people go to make a few bucks more.

So "Brick by Brick" was OK but "Row the Boat" isn't???

If the U sells some T-shirts with it and makes a few extra bucks that go back into the program, that's an awful thing?

It's not like he's proposing to eliminate using Ski U Mah or replace the Rouser or retire Goldy or change the colors to red and white. He's using a supplementary catch phrase to emphasize teamwork and an improved culture. Not sure why so many people are so opposed to this.

Agreed. Also probably most appropriate for him to secure the rights individually rather than have the U own them. That way he can take it with him as he moves through his career. If the U wants to market with it they can pay him.

My guess would be he will secure the rights himself and the U will modify his contract to allow unlimited use of it while he is here. I don't think he can get paid to license it to the U while he's employed by them by U of M policy and maybe legally.

it isn't about that. It's about whether he wants U of MN hats and shirts with the logo which means the U of MN must secure the rights from WMU. If it was just him saying it, no one would have needed to do anything...

The U doesn't have to own it to be able to use it as long as they have Fleck's permission once he owns it. And why wouldn't he grant it if he wants the phrase to be part of the program while he's here?

I understand what the walrus is trying to say. Row the Boat is associated with Fleck as an individual. Ski-U-Mah is associated with the University of Minnesota as a school.

Considering how important marketing and branding are, I would think the U would be cautious about blurring the U's brand, or becoming intertwined with a coach who - let's face it - could leave in a few years and take his slogan with him to yet another school.

I understand what the walrus is trying to say. Row the Boat is associated with Fleck as an individual. Ski-U-Mah is associated with the University of Minnesota as a school.

Considering how important marketing and branding are, I would think the U would be cautious about blurring the U's brand, or becoming intertwined with a coach who - let's face it - could leave in a few years and take his slogan with him to yet another school.

Let him take it then.

Seriously.... the last concern should be for the U that someone will be really successful here and leave.

That would be a nice problem to have for a change.

I understand what the walrus is trying to say. Row the Boat is associated with Fleck as an individual. Ski-U-Mah is associated with the University of Minnesota as a school.

Considering how important marketing and branding are, I would think the U would be cautious about blurring the U's brand, or becoming intertwined with a coach who - let's face it - could leave in a few years and take his slogan with him to yet another school.

Honestly, how is this any different than Brick by Brick? It's some stupid saying they are going to print on tshirts and give to the student section. I don't care how much the coaches say it. I don't care how much the players say it. I don't care how many shirts it is printed on. It can go when he goes. Who cares?

Honestly, how is this any different than Brick by Brick? It's some stupid saying they are going to print on tshirts and give to the student section. I don't care how much the coaches say it. I don't care how much the players say it. I don't care how many shirts it is printed on. It can go when he goes. Who cares?

Brick by Brick had direct ties back to the U and the Brick House. Seemed natural to me to use it, actually savvy marketing for the athletic Dept.


Brick by Brick feels like a phrase that any football program can use without interfering with the school's tradition, mascot etc. I know Dantionio and MSU say "reach higher," and my HS football coaches would always say "Hold the rope," referring to a hypothetical scenario where your teammate is dangling on an edge of a cliff and your holding a rope to make sure he doesn't fall. To me if Saban were to use one of those phrases, it wouldn't interfere with "Roll Tide" or if the KU basketball team were to use one of those phrases, it wouldn't interfere with Rock Chalk Jaywalk. To me "Row the Boat" feels completely different and would absolutely interfere with "Roll Tide" at Bama or in this case Ski-U-Mah.

Now if we were the Minnetonka Skippers, Vanderbilt Commodores, ECU Pirates or a school with some other aquatic mascot, Row the boat would feel completely different to me and fit in but it feels like it interferes too much with tradition, Ski-U-Mah, the Golden Gophers etc. Putting that phrase on every T-shirt would make it feel as if we were the Minnesota boat rowers and not the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

Brick by Brick feels like a phrase that any football program can use without interfering with the school's tradition, mascot etc. I know Dantionio and MSU say "reach higher," and my HS football coaches would always say "Hold the rope," referring to a hypothetical scenario where your teammate is dangling on an edge of a cliff and your holding a rope to make sure he doesn't fall. To me if Saban were to use one of those phrases, it wouldn't interfere with "Roll Tide" or if the KU basketball team were to use one of those phrases, it wouldn't interfere with Rock Chalk Jaywalk. To me "Row the Boat" feels completely different and would absolutely interfere with "Roll Tide" at Bama or in this case Ski-U-Mah.

Now if we were the Minnetonka Skippers, Vanderbilt Commodores, ECU Pirates or a school with some other aquatic mascot, Row the boat would feel completely different to me and fit in but it feels like it interferes too much with tradition, Ski-U-Mah, the Golden Gophers etc. Putting that phrase on every T-shirt would make it feel as if we were the Minnesota boat rowers and not the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

Oregon Ducks...:)

Brick by Brick feels like a phrase that any football program can use without interfering with the school's tradition, mascot etc. I know Dantionio and MSU say "reach higher," and my HS football coaches would always say "Hold the rope," referring to a hypothetical scenario where your teammate is dangling on an edge of a cliff and your holding a rope to make sure he doesn't fall. To me if Saban were to use one of those phrases, it wouldn't interfere with "Roll Tide" or if the KU basketball team were to use one of those phrases, it wouldn't interfere with Rock Chalk Jaywalk. To me "Row the Boat" feels completely different and would absolutely interfere with "Roll Tide" at Bama or in this case Ski-U-Mah.

Now if we were the Minnetonka Skippers, Vanderbilt Commodores, ECU Pirates or a school with some other aquatic mascot, Row the boat would feel completely different to me and fit in but it feels like it interferes too much with tradition, Ski-U-Mah, the Golden Gophers etc. Putting that phrase on every T-shirt would make it feel as if we were the Minnesota boat rowers and not the Minnesota Golden Gophers.

However, we are the land of 10,000 lakes. Probably more boat rowers per capita than any other fan base.

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