Wells Named Big Ten Defensive Player of the Week

At the bottom it also says he was named National Defensive Back of the week. I have no idea when that happened last.

This is just great; for a first starter, he was awesome. Looked like a veteran.

But what about his ranking?

This must be a mistake! He was ranked only as a two star player.

This is what I want folks to remember. Should there come a game (like when they play a D1 caliber opponent), and there is no pressure on the QB and the coaches have to use one of the S's in the box and wr's are running free through secondary, please remember that Wells has player of the week capability. Too often folks only see the results and not the cause.

This is what I want folks to remember. Should there come a game (like when they play a D1 caliber opponent), and there is no pressure on the QB and the coaches have to use one of the S's in the box and wr's are running free through secondary, please remember that Wells has player of the week capability. Too often folks only see the results and not the cause.

I certainly agree with that. The average fan including myself, really has a hard time noticing and understanding all the the things that impact a play. As a result, sometime we blame the victim and not the perpetrator of the mistake, but we do feel good about our indignation .

Nate Triplett was named National DPOTW after the Air Force game in 2009.

well deserved. he was easily the best player in that game and the outcome would have been very different without him.

The kid is a baller. Maybe another Tyrone Carter.

Wouldn't that be something!
Hope he and the team can sustain this type of performance throughout the season. If so he'll be up for all kinds of awards.

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