Well Done PJS / Daily Gopher!

I couldn't agree more. Well done daily gopher.

Terriffic dissection of what appears to be Souhan just being completely and utterly lazy.

Just because of this article, I'm fully in Xavier's court to win it all.

Thank you Blizzard, and others .....

I have to agree totally. It seems Souhan is just trying to stir the pot. Trade Mauer, Tubby sucks, etc. Columns like this all of a sudden from Souhan. He is becoming a contrarian.

I suggest ignoring Souhan, eventually he'll go away ...

Let just say......

because the Star Tribune is becoming a newspaper of jokes (bad jokes by the way ) like Souhan, that is why I dropped my subscription after many years.......

There are many good ways to get the news other than needing to help pay the salaries of worthless writers like Jim........ Printed news is in trouble and guys like Jim are not helping one bit........ If they think Jim and others like him (Reusse for one ) are helping, just look at your numbers in subscriptions and profits...... I hope they don't pay him much :)

What does Souhan have to say now that Dixon didn't eat Xavier alive like he said they would?

Nice work DailyGopher. In case anyone was wondering it's why I have such a case of the ass with people like Doogie it's that they don't answer to anyone and pretty much write whatever they please, right, wrong, stupid, uninformed, etc. That gets on my nerves. Lord knows I'm certainly not the sharpest knife in the drawer but when these guys put their opinions out there the average mass of people accepts them at face value. When they get called out for it, they get defensive, imagine that. For whatever reason it just pisses me off. For a lot of people the only impression they get is what they'll read from these dipsh-ts, they take their " opinions " as facts, when it's clear from Souhan he's just making it up as he goes along. What the F is up with that?

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