>Neb is a lock for the Outback. Never been, Iowa has been there several times recently
>Holiday is the next "best" bowl, as it's in Tier 1. Iowa hasn't been there for like 20 years, so it seems pretty clear they'd be penciled in here...
...BUT, I've read a couple articles from the Tennesean and other outlets, and it seems as though their committee will do ANYTHING they can to avoid Minnesota. in fact, they won't even say the word "Minnesota" in an article. They even make a case for getting Wisconsin should they lose the B1G Championship. I mean, come on.
So yeah, they seem desperate not to have MN. In contrast, the Holiday Bowl committee openly talks about Minnesota in several places and goes so far as to say there's a case for MN over Iowa (I don't know what that case would be, but that's beside the point). All of this makes me think it's unlikely MN ends up in Nashville...which sucks, because it's a cool place and I'd definitely go. So that leaves these possibilities:
a) As a one-time courtesy to the Music City Bowl (which hasn't taken a B1G team since 2005), the B1G works it out so MN goes to Holiday (where they've never appeared) and Iowa goes to Music City. As mentioned above, it's sold to Iowa fans as a new destination within driving distance. It also falls on a holiday weekend, features an SEC team, and is on TV unopposed. Lots of positives here...
b) Music City selects an ACC team, bringing the TaxSlayer Bowl into play for MN. This would lock the MCB into a B1G team the next 3 years in a row, but maybe they'd be this desperate to avoid MN.
c) Since they're in the same "Tier" of bowls, B1G arranges MN in Foster Farms Bowl and somebody like IN in Music City due to geographics.
Who knows. Fun times. We wait as usual...