Weber was looking for guys not named Decker more today


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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One of the things that was particularly frustrating during the Syracuse game for me was that Weber seemed to be focusing on Decker too much on passing plays. But today, it seemed like he was at least looking at other options much more day, especially when Decker was covered. Last year, he didn't do that very much. But tonight, he seemed to spread the ball around a little more.

Decker is obviously always going to be the focal point of the passing offense. But it was really good to see Weber starting to look more towards some of the other guys as well.

I wasn't impressed with Weber at all.......

Even though to his credit some of the passes dropped were very catchable.......

I think it's more about how mediocre the running game is so Weber has to takeover too much.......

I wasn't impressed with Weber at all.......

Even though to his credit some of the passes dropped were very catchable.......

I think it's more about how mediocre the running game is so Weber has to takeover too much.......

In the second half, I thought he adjusted pretty well, even if it was only after we got down 10-3. There were quite a few drops before he started humming in the fourth quarter. And certainly the running game is a work in progress (as is the entire offense obviously).

Having said that, the biggest thing for me with Weber is that he often openly stares at Decker when the heat is on, which I fear will get Eric killed on certain plays. The more and more that he can mix in Green, Tow-Arnett, Stoudemire, Kuznia, Hoese (like he did today) or Carpenter (at some point hopefully), the better off everyone will be.

1st half Decker and 2nd half Decker were two different players.

In the second half, I thought he adjusted pretty well, even if it was only after we got down 10-3. There were quite a few drops before he started humming in the fourth quarter. And certainly the running game is a work in progress (as is the entire offense obviously).

Having said that, the biggest thing for me with Weber is that he often openly stares at Decker when the heat is on, which I fear will get Eric killed on certain plays. The more and more that he can mix in Green, Tow-Arnett, Stoudemire, Kuznia, Hoese (like he did today) or Carpenter (at some point hopefully), the better off everyone will be.

I think Brewster needs to run his Offense like they're playing from behind the entire game, I've stated since DAY 1 of last year that our Offense looks best when we're gunning for LONG PLAYS and that even opens up the Running Game. We start the game off too conservatively and play that way until things go south...we just need to play aggressive the entire game IN MY OPINION.......

I wasn't impressed with Weber at all.......

Even though to his credit some of the passes dropped were very catchable.......

I think it's more about how mediocre the running game is so Weber has to takeover too much.......

I disagree with the running game. They did exactly what was asked of them today. I think we just need to realize that we are not a running team. We run to keep defenses honest and throw to make plays. If that sounds familiar, it is because that is what happens in the NFL. Not coincidentally, that is where our OC and HC are from.

I wasn't impressed with Weber at all.......

Even though to his credit some of the passes dropped were very catchable.......

I think it's more about how mediocre the running game is so Weber has to takeover too much.......

Weber completes 69% of his passes in spite of a bunch of drops from his receivers and you're not impressed at all?

I think Brewster needs to run his Offense like they're playing from behind the entire game, I've stated since DAY 1 of last year that our Offense looks best when we're gunning for LONG PLAYS and that even opens up the Running Game. We start the game off too conservatively and play that way until things go south...we just need to play aggressive the entire game IN MY OPINION.......

Yeah, we definitely need to start better than we have the first two weeks. IMO Guys need to come out with the mindset of "let's get this thing going RIGHT NOW!!"

I think its good he was looking for other options. What I didnt like was some of Weber's' passes. I mean, he should be able to hit a guy 8 yards on the run, if not, plant your feet and throw it.

Stats don't always tell the game ask Greg Paulus.......

Well, yeah, Greg Paulus completion % was buoyed by all the bubble screens that he threw. The 5.4 YPA bore that out.

Weber averaged 7.55 YPA tonight, so it's not like he was completing a bunch of short, high percentage passes.

What was Webers yards per completion?

Well, yeah, Greg Paulus completion % was buoyed by all the bubble screens that he threw. The 5.4 YPA bore that out.

Weber averaged 7.55 YPA tonight, so it's not like he was completing a bunch of short, high percentage passes.

Because when we were throwing those short passes in the beginning that's when he looked bad. The Mid to Long Range Passing Game is his Bread & Butter but they don't open that part of the Playbook up until late in the game.......

Weber completes 69% of his passes in spite of a bunch of drops from his receivers and you're not impressed at all?

I thought he looked lost in the first half, bring on Gray. All big ten in the second half. A little consistancy could make this team very good.

Sometimes perception and reality are different. I took a peak because I wondered and here's the data.

Syracuse Decker's catches - 9, webers completions 19, number of recievers with catches - 5

the line would look like this syracuse 9/19 - 5

Let's compare:

AF 10/19 -6

Let's look at last year through the Northwestern game, after which Decker was hobbled.

NIU 10/24 - 6
BGSU 6/21 - 6
Mont st 9/15 - 5
Fl atl 7/19 - 5
Ohio st 5/23 - 7
Indiana 12/22 - 7
Illinois 9/18 - 7
Pudue 7/21 - 7
Northw 7/31 - 8

weber sucked the first half, but was great the 2nd half in my mind...the only thing he missed, and it was huge, was on the wildcat with gray when weber didn't see troy running down the field absolutely wide open for 6

Weber completes 69% of his passes in spite of a bunch of drops from his receivers and you're not impressed at all?

They won the game, but the incompleted pass were all huge and if on target or caught, we are talking about a 21 pt win.

There were too many penalties and drops the first half. They completely killed a few drives.
That being said, our offensive has looked much more dynamic in the second halves of both games. Is it play-calling or execution? I don't know.

Weber was very poor in the first half, throwing a lot of "bad" balls. Picked it up great in the 2nd half though when we started going to our bread and butter, Eric Decker. We are not a "pound the rock" team so lets play into our strengths which is passing the ball. OL needs to start playing better. False starts and holding penalties are absolute drive-killers.

There were too many penalties and drops the first half. They completely killed a few drives.
That being said, our offensive has looked much more dynamic in the second halves of both games. Is it play-calling or execution? I don't know.

Last week weber missed his targets killing any drive in the first half. Fisch was never able to establish his game plan. This week was slightly better and we were at least able to get a gist of what he is trying to do but still we killed it with penalties.

In both cases in an effort to win fisch simply dumbed things down and went with what we are comfortable with right now to establish rhythm and a successful outcome. What we have been seeing in the second half isn't what fisch wants to do, it's what he is able to do at this time.

IDK, it seems to me that Weber is still focusing too much on Decker. I was watching on TV though, I couldn't always tell if there were other receivers open (although I'd imagine so with all the attention they were giving Decker). Perhaps those of you at the game can chime in.

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