Weather Looking Worse and Worse


GopherHole Straw Boss
Nov 12, 2008
Reaction score
Per Doc Lynch this morning on the Good Neighbor, temps are going to be in the low 30s with 20-30 MPH sustained winds plus gusts.

Suddenly the Michelin Man costume isn't such a bad idea...

I am pizzed about the weather. And I don't mean this in a wimpy way. I am a lifelong Minnesotan and I have been attending OUTDOOR football games (MIAC, high school) all through the life of the Metrodome and I don't believe I have ever changed my plans to attend a football game because of the weather forecast. It is going to suck again on Saturday and I will be there.

Okay... now that I have that off my chest - just because I am tough and can handle it doesn't mean I'd much prefer it to be nice and there are lots of people UNLIKE me that will skip games due to the weather... leaving empty seats.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love "Sweatshirt" weather and fall football. I love football in Minnesota where you get to wear shorts/tshirts for a couple games, then the crisp sweatshirt weather for most of the season, ending with a couple cold games that I can tolerate. This year, it went straight from the shorts weather (Cal) to November-like conditions for the next game (Wisconsin) and it just hasn't improved. I find the last couple weeks to be very Ironic. I drove down to Columbus for the game on Saturday. It had been in the 60's and 70's all week. It turned cold on Friday and then stayed very cold (for there) and misty on Saturday. By the time we woke up Sunday to drive home, it was blue sky and back to the 60's! We get home to Minnesota to enjoy some more good (at least seasonable) weather through the week just in time for it to turn into the North Pole again for gameday on Saturday!

I really think we will go the whole season without seeing a home Gopher game in the USUAL fall temp range of 50-70. All in all it is a pretty good test for the fan base in the first year back out doors.

I agree that the weather lately for the U games has been colder than normal and that's not as much fun but I'd still rather be outside. I think there will be a lot of blue hairs that will decide to not renew their seasoin tickets next year due to the cold weather, the economy and being taken out of their element of being able to sit quietly and watch games like in the dome. The U would be wise to keep ticket prices the same next year and lower $ needed to tailgate to fill those lots.

perfect conditions for the zone read spread option attack, with lots of ground yardage led by Mr. Gray, sprinkled with a short possession passing game as needed.

Five things to remember.
1. This is what we wanted.
2. This is what we needed
3. The dome sucks!
4. The dome sucks!
5. The dome sucks!........

Bad weather, Halloween, HS Football

In addition to being Halloween Saturday night is also the 2nd round of high school playoffs. I know our coaching staff will not be at the gopher game as we hopefully will win tonight and play Saturday night. That is a group of 20 people that would normally be at the Gopher game.

In addition to being Halloween Saturday night is also the 2nd round of high school playoffs. I know our coaching staff will not be at the gopher game as we hopefully will win tonight and play Saturday night. That is a group of 20 people that would normally be at the Gopher game.

Our HS is trying to get the game moved to 1pm for that date, any chance of doing that for your game?

Like I mentioned in another thread, I think this year's weather could persuade some to not renew their season tix. Every year we're going to have at least one or two bad weather home games, and these are the people that won't show up when it gets cold and rainy/snowy.

It's a good thing for people like me who want season tickets!

You are correct, Bayfield. Regardless what the weather is it's far better than being in the dome.

I looked over at Maverick during the becky game (38 degrees, windy on Oct 10th!!) and said I am so glad to be outside. Would rather have had the normal transition like was mentioned above... shorts and tee-shirts to sweatshirts to hats/coats.

If its going to be cold then I want snow. I've never attended a true snow game. I have this odd desire to tailgate in a heavy snowfall.

That weird wish aside, I too would prefer the normal MN fall transition and hope it returns next season. :)

I am pizzed about the weather. And I don't mean this in a wimpy way. I am a lifelong Minnesotan and I have been attending OUTDOOR football games (MIAC, high school) all through the life of the Metrodome and I don't believe I have ever changed my plans to attend a football game because of the weather forecast. It is going to suck again on Saturday and I will be there.

Okay... now that I have that off my chest - just because I am tough and can handle it doesn't mean I'd much prefer it to be nice and there are lots of people UNLIKE me that will skip games due to the weather... leaving empty seats.

Fall is my favorite time of the year. I love "Sweatshirt" weather and fall football. I love football in Minnesota where you get to wear shorts/tshirts for a couple games, then the crisp sweatshirt weather for most of the season, ending with a couple cold games that I can tolerate. This year, it went straight from the shorts weather (Cal) to November-like conditions for the next game (Wisconsin) and it just hasn't improved. I find the last couple weeks to be very Ironic. I drove down to Columbus for the game on Saturday. It had been in the 60's and 70's all week. It turned cold on Friday and then stayed very cold (for there) and misty on Saturday. By the time we woke up Sunday to drive home, it was blue sky and back to the 60's! We get home to Minnesota to enjoy some more good (at least seasonable) weather through the week just in time for it to turn into the North Pole again for gameday on Saturday!

I really think we will go the whole season without seeing a home Gopher game in the USUAL fall temp range of 50-70. All in all it is a pretty good test for the fan base in the first year back out doors.
There is no question this has been a brutal October for weather. Through the first half of October it was the coldest such period on record (though it has since warmed), and if we get an inch of rain before Sunday it will go down as the wettest October on record.

You're right though - it's crazy how it went from almost too warm for the California game to too cold for the Wisconsin game two weeks later. There was no in-between.

People- weather is supposed to be our ally

Think the Russian winter when fighting the Germans. Gopher fans need to
be embracing this stuff! Get with it. Bring it on!

Think the Russian winter when fighting the Germans. Gopher fans need to
be embracing this stuff! Get with it. Bring it on!

They perished in the millions; please work on another analogy, we're trying to get people to COME to the game.

The average weather data for 10/31 the last ten years show temps of 52.8/37.4, 10.4 mph wind and a 30% occurance of a trace of precip. The hi temp ranged from 71 to 34, low 46 to 24, wind 17 to 6 and just 3 days of a trace of precip. 5 of the days had high temps of 71, 68, 62, 62 and 61.

We normally have nice weather for the end of October.

Please kindly remove the stick from your ass.


Read it again. It was meant to be humorous I've amplified that for you, sorry about your stick problem.

When did you become a Scientologist anyway?

As long as there is no rain or snow, it should not be the worst thing in the world.

I agree that the weather lately for the U games has been colder than normal and that's not as much fun but I'd still rather be outside. I think there will be a lot of blue hairs that will decide to not renew their seasoin tickets next year due to the cold weather, the economy and being taken out of their element of being able to sit quietly and watch games like in the dome. The U would be wise to keep ticket prices the same next year and lower $ needed to tailgate to fill those lots.

Good comment - I totally agree. While I don't want the Gopher games to turn into Viking games, the tailgate lots are way too empty. The same fans that overdo it, tend to bring a lot of enthusiasm to the game. The fact that they can't drink inside moderates this somewhat.

this forecast seems to be way off target

Per Doc Lynch this morning on the Good Neighbor, temps are going to be in the low 30s with 20-30 MPH sustained winds plus gusts.

Suddenly the Michelin Man costume isn't such a bad idea...

no offense, but i have heard a very different forecast (on KARE 11, WCCO 4 & KSTP 5) than what you have here for saturday evening's game. the temp at 7PM should be around 40 with winds only at 10-20 mph, not 20-30 mph sustained plus gusts as you noted above. that doesn't sound too bad at all for a football game.

doc lynch sounds like he is full of shiite! ;)

Read it again. It was meant to be humorous I've amplified that for you, sorry about your stick problem.

When did you become a Scientologist anyway?

Now that I know it's sarcasm, bravo. It was not at all obvious as originally written.

The average weather data for 10/31 the last ten years show temps of 52.8/37.4, 10.4 mph wind and a 30% occurance of a trace of precip. The hi temp ranged from 71 to 34, low 46 to 24, wind 17 to 6 and just 3 days of a trace of precip. 5 of the days had high temps of 71, 68, 62, 62 and 61.

We normally have nice weather for the end of October.

Nice stats Bayfield, overall that is good football weather.

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