Weather for Saturday's Game - Rain Late in the Game?


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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MNGoldenGopher1 and LakerFan mentioned the weather for Saturday's game in the "Season Ticket Sales Down 18%.." thread. Yesterday, Channels 4 and 9 said no chance of rain. Channel 11 has said there would be rain on Sunday and Monday broadcast and hedged on it this morning. Still three days out, so kind of a crapshoot. Here's what some sites are saying. Consensus now seems to be some rain "later in the day", but who the hell knows.

Bring a pocket raincoat. If it rains, you will not melt.
I think we are gonna squeak by anyway.

The rain should hold off until after the game. Saturday morning into the early afternoon actually looks to be the driest period out of the next 6 days. Good timing for a Gopher game.

No offense weather guy but I don't trust the forecast past 2 days for any kind of significant accuracy. I'll wait until Friday to see what is being predicted. No way they know right now.

Football is and should be an out of doors game.
If the elements disturb you buy Vikings tickets and sit inside.

Football is and should be an out of doors game.
If the elements disturb you buy Vikings tickets and sit inside.

How good IS the reception in your Nursing Home?

No offense weather guy but I don't trust the forecast past 2 days for any kind of significant accuracy. I'll wait until Friday to see what is being predicted. No way they know right now.

That's because you don't know anything about forecasting weather. :)

They can't get anything right day of, much less 3 days beforehand.

I should've tried to become a meteorologist. What a racket

It'll be dry with temps in the low 70s. The only impact weather will have is a pretty good southeasterly breeze.

It looks to me like the chance of rain will be going up as the day wears on. Tailgate should be fine. First half probably will be fine. Second half might be fine. Post game tailgate could be dicey. Saturday night likely to be wet.

As a side note, I grow really tired of people on here bitching about other people even caring about the weather. I care about it a LOT. I nearly always have kids, wife, guests with me and not everybody lives in a bunker and starts tearing their tough guy clothing layers off at the first sign of a rain drop or a freezing temp. Everything else being equal, I'd rather the games be played in perfect weather. I think it is okay to hope for that and share info about planning when bad weather is a possibility.

It looks to me like the chance of rain will be going up as the day wears on. Tailgate should be fine. First have probably will be fine. Second half might be fine. Post game tailgate could be dicey. Saturday night likely to be wet.

As a side note, I grow really tired of people on here bitching about other people even caring about the weather. I care about it a LOT. I nearly always have kids, wife, guests with me and not everybody lives in a bunker and starts tearing their tough guy clothing layers off at the first sign of a rain drop or a freezing temp. Everything else being equal, I'd rather the games be played in perfect weather. I think it is okay to hope for that and share info about planning when bad weather is a possibility.


Go Good Weather!!

Bring a raincoat, because if you forget, it will surely rain.

I won't wash my car Saturday morning either. That seems to the best way to get it to rain or snow usually.

As a side note, I grow really tired of people on here bitching about other people even caring about the weather. I care about it a LOT. I nearly always have kids, wife, guests with me and not everybody lives in a bunker and starts tearing their tough guy clothing layers off at the first sign of a rain drop or a freezing temp. Everything else being equal, I'd rather the games be played in perfect weather. I think it is okay to hope for that and share info about planning when bad weather is a possibility.

Should I add a side note about what I really grow tired of people doing on here?

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The rain should hold off until after the game. Saturday morning into the early afternoon actually looks to be the driest period out of the next 6 days. Good timing for a Gopher game.

Thanks GopherWeatherGuy. I appreciate the info and keeping us up to date.

Who cares if anyone here appreciates the forecast or not? It is what it is.

Anyone with a brain can look at the forecast, plan accordingly and bring some rain gear.



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It looks like the forecast has improved and the chance of game-time rain has gone down over the past 24 hours. Tomorrow night looks wet though.

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