Weather for Saturday

Not possible. November is sunless in the Midwest.

I would take that , nice to be clear to throw some home runs they like to put lots of guys in the box! Look for some big plays with Derrick,Max and Jones downfield! now says high of 29/sunny and low of 7. It's going to be a cold sumbitch. says 24 degrees

Currently AccuWeather, weather channel, and the #4 state 20, sunny, and windy.

How does this change the game? Conventional wisdom says it favors the physical running teams. That is what we want to be, but is what WI is.

Currently AccuWeather, weather channel, and the #4 state 20, sunny, and windy.

How does this change the game? Conventional wisdom says it favors the physical running teams. That is what we want to be, but is what WI is.

I don't really think it favors either team. Cold hands lead to fumbles, dropped passes for both teams. One thing is for certain, it does not favor the fans. You'll likely find me in the DQ Club most of the game if my wife has her choice.

It looks really cold and may be a struggle to get to 20. Not to mention a mix of clouds and a brisk northwest wind. Too bad those heating coils haven't been installed yet, the field will feel like concrete. That seemed to play to the Gophers advantage 4 years ago against Iowa though.

A high in the low 20's will make it tough for those wimps from Tropical MadTown to handle. They will be shivering in their loafers.

A high in the low 20's will make it tough for those wimps from Tropical MadTown to handle. They will be shivering in their loafers.

Great insight nm, most people aren't aware at how much further "south" Madison lies! :cool:

Is crazy how the weather people can screw up long range forecasts. For Saturday they started predicting 40's and then each day it has been changing down to 39, 35, 33, 26, 23 and even now struggling to hit 20!

Is crazy how the weather people can screw up long range forecasts. For Saturday they started predicting 40's and then each day it has been changing down to 39, 35, 33, 26, 23 and even now struggling to hit 20!

Years ago on Saturday Morning Sports Talk with Soucheray and Ruesse, the boys were talking about the weather. They were carping about how unreliable the forecasts were. The lovely Belinda Jensen from KARE-11 called in and if I remember right, the boys started furiously backpedaling. :cool:

Much to their surprise, Jensen said that they were actually correct! She said that for every day you go out a forecast's accuracy goes down about 20/25%, don't remember which. That means anything beyond about 2-3 days is a crapshoot.

I DO remember that she said it's all done for ratings and that anytime a station goes further out in the forecast, Minnesotans being who we are, they get a ratings bump. She said she didn't even like a 4 or 5 day forecast, but that she was pretty sure the way things were heading, some stations would end-up giving a SEVEN Day forecast which would be nothing but a guess.

Looks like she was right about that.

Very interesting Iceland. She is smart and she is lovely. I'm not sure if my friend who is originally from Wisconsin will be able to handle the cold for this game. I've warned her because it is not fun being at an event like this if you are feeling cold or with someone who is complaining about the cold.

Down parka check, snowpants check, long underwear check, turtleneck check, sweatshirt check, winter hat check, winter socks check, boots check, hand warmers check, feet warmers check, gloves check, blanket check, a few more layers here and there check, every item is either the color maroon or gold check, I am ready check. Lets roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Down parka check, snowpants check, long underwear check, turtleneck check, sweatshirt check, winter hat check, winter socks check, boots check, hand warmers check, feet warmers check, gloves check, blanket check, a few more layers here and there check, every item is either the color maroon or gold check, I am ready check. Lets roll !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Exactly! The only time I truly enjoyed a Vikings game was a chilly outdoor game at the Met. It's part of what makes the experience unique and interesting.

Layers. Lots and lots of layers. Let's go, is it Saturday yet?

I'm going shirtless with a big "G" painted on my chest. I need 6 others interested in something similar.

I'm going shirtless with a big "G" painted on my chest. I need 6 others interested in something similar.

I'm in but it will look a little odd having the letters spread throughout the stadium.

Forecast from WCCO Weather: 3:00 PM 21 degrees, zero precip, cloudy & windy 21 MPH wind NW. Remember, this is Minnesota. The weather can change in an instance.

Hope one or more of our guys has a Duane Bennett 2010 Iowa game warmup .. I remember he was out there w/o a shirt on in the freezing temps, really set a tone for the day I think.

The great thing about cold games is it makes fans stay active. Generally the crowds are louder.

The best crowd I've witnessed at TCF was the Halloween game against Michigan St. in 2009. I remember it being pretty cold that night.

Looks like a good chance at bumping the 2010 Iowa victory from the "coldest college game in TCF Bank Stadium history" title.

Looks like a good chance at bumping the 2010 Iowa victory from the "coldest college game in TCF Bank Stadium history" title.

Yeah and hopefully like that game, the Visitors will be the only ones playing on a frozen field. :drink:

Always seems to be bitterly cold when we play Wisconsin. I remember one year tailgating, when my beer would freeze in about 5 minutes and the boys were drinking Bicardi slushes. That was COLD!

If the forecast turns out to be right, the band is going to have an interesting day. Time for the brass players to put a little Everclear in the valve oil to keep the valves from freezing and even that might not help if it's in the teens.

Time to sell hot chocolate spiked with brandy!

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