We should never apologize for a road BT win


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
Reaction score
All that matters is we got the W, we led almost the entire game and guys like RS3 and DJ really played well.

The DJ/Carter combo played some good minutes together when RS3 was out and of course Westbrook frustrates us one second and thrills us the next.

Hopefully this gives the guys something to smile about and build on.

Next up, Michigan.

Go Gophers!!

Four words

Bleed - I couldn't have said it better myself. :clap:

In this league, you take a road win any way you can get it. The same goes whether you are at the top of the Big Ten standings or the bottom or somewhere in between. It never fails that you see a team go on the road in a Big Ten against a team they "should" beat and end up losing.

BIG TEN ROAD WIN - I'll take it!!!

Go Gophers!


I'll bump this one up ... need to counter an awful lot of complaining and some grudging "yeah, but" posts.

NIT like performance by the lads today.......we will take the win and it was nice that they found a way to win. How does westbrook get tied up in a jump ball with 23 seconds to play? That should NEVER happen. He should either dribble out of it and get fouled or better...should have passed right back to the middle....he is NoT a reliable player...Glad he hit the shot, and even that was a bit lucky....

How was Westbrook's shot lucky?

I mean, there is luck involved with everything but that shot was no more lucky than any other jumper taken in the history of basketball. It's not like he was fading out of bounds and floating up a one-hander with Shaq in his face. It was a legitimate step-back jumper that we've seen him make many many times. Don't stretch the truth to try to somehow prove your opinions. We can see through it.

How was Westbrook's shot lucky?

I mean, there is luck involved with everything but that shot was no more lucky than any other jumper taken in the history of basketball. It's not like he was fading out of bounds and floating up a one-hander with Shaq in his face. It was a legitimate step-back jumper that we've seen him make many many times. Don't stretch the truth to try to somehow prove your opinions. We can see through it.

With the score tied and the ball in your hands, I think you'd like to get a higher percentage shot off than we did. As soon as they passed to Westbrook, I started popping the popcorn for overtime.

I mean really, the best we could do was dribble around the perimeter and shoot a fall-away (near) three pointer?

But, I guess getting some sort of shot off is better than what's happened recently.

A step back shot is more high percentage than charging down the lane and hoping for the best, which has been our de facto strategy lately.

he made it...I am going with lucky, dribbling around the key trting to find a lane he can't so he steps back and throws up a contested stepback fadaway........we will take the win but that is NOT the ideal shot you want in that situation.......still---how does he get tied up for a jump ball? That is not senior leadership thats a freshman-sophmore play

I agree it was not overly impressive, but a win is a win and I'll take any road win during the course of the season.

If Millions has his way, Westbrook's place on the list of those Gophers who have scored over 1000 points will need to have at least four footnotes:

  • was lacking in showing Senior Leadership
  • Some of these were lucky shots
  • he wasn't a very good ball handler
  • Didn't play as well as some on GopherHole deserve to expect

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