We have a HELLUVA coach!!


New member
Nov 18, 2010
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Between this win, and the BTT run, we have been lucky to see just how damn good Tubby is.

Over the course of a long conference season, eventually talent separates teams as things balance out. But in 1-and-done tourneys where upsets play a much larger role in determining things, good coaching rises to the top.

And ladies and gentlemen, we have a damn good one. Mucho credit to all the guys who stepped up, but let's not lose sight over who put it all together . . .

. . . and built this guy a practice facility, for chrissakes!!

Famous Dean Smith Quote

Players WIN games.

Coaches lose them.

Tubby is certainly one of the Top 10 (or so) best.

I only hope that our next football coach instills the importance of strong defensive play ala Tubby.

Valid point from above...show Tubby the love and get him a practice facility!

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