WCCO: With Big 10 Looming, Gophers Must Be Ready For Colorado State


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Nov 11, 2008
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Next up is Colorado State, a team that took the Gophers to overtime last season. A team hit hard by graduation, a team they should beat.

“But a tough, physical football team, one that’s going to hit you in the mouth. I know they’re going to be hungry to come and be able to play us again especially after how close it was last year,” senior quarterback Mitch Leidner said. “So we’ve got to be ready to go.”

What this is really about is finding out, one more time, what you have in the stable. Because after this week, it’s a new nine-game schedule, and that involves only the Big 10.

The non-conference schedule has told them something about their team. Mainly that they are 2-0, and that matters, especially to the head coach.

“We’ve pretty good in the non-conference so it’s still based on winning and there’s others who couldn’t quite get it done so we’ve been able to get it done, to win,” Gophers coach Tracy Claeys said. “But it’s always one at a time and I think that’s the challenge for everybody.”


Go Gophers!!

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