WCCO: Which Team Has The Better Future: Vikings Or Gophers? (Winner: Gophers)


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Nov 11, 2008
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I agree with the Gophers as the pick. They both hope to get better play out of their quarterbacks next year. Mitch will be an upper classmen and Teddy will no longer be a rookie.

Until Aaron Rodgers retires, it'll be the Gophers. Gophers have a fighting chance to be in it every year in the West, Viking don't have a chance in the North until A-Rodge is done.

It's much easier to turnaround an NFL team than a college team. In the NFL, the salary cap keeps teams competitive. In college, you do your best with the kids that didn't cut the mustard with the Ohio States and Alabama's and then cross your fingers that they will develop and buy into the program.

As much as I love the Gophers, I would have to pick a bad Vikings team over a pretty good Gopher team at this time to have a better future.

For years, my friends and I have discussed which happens first- a Vikings Super Bowl or a Gophers B1G Ten Championship. I still argue Gophers for this...

Until Aaron Rodgers retires, it'll be the Gophers. Gophers have a fighting chance to be in it every year in the West, Viking don't have a chance in the North until A-Rodge is done.

This is pretty short sighted for someone that generally isn't. He has 4 straight division titles. Not 11.

The Vikings better get something going in the next couple of years or that new stadium will look like a parking lot. People aren't going to pay those prices for .500 NFL team

Until Aaron Rodgers retires, it'll be the Gophers. Gophers have a fighting chance to be in it every year in the West, Viking don't have a chance in the North until A-Rodge is done.

Disagree. He's great and all. But when you have to pay your QB that much money, the rest of the roster suffers. This is why a medicore Detroit team nearly won the Division. Still, with Nebraska and Wiscy with new coaches, our odds of winning a Division in 2015 are better with the Gophers. Over 5 years? No.

It's much easier to turnaround an NFL team than a college team. In the NFL, the salary cap keeps teams competitive. In college, you do your best with the kids that didn't cut the mustard with the Ohio States and Alabama's and then cross your fingers that they will develop and buy into the program.

As much as I love the Gophers, I would have to pick a bad Vikings team over a pretty good Gopher team at this time to have a better future.

For years, my friends and I have discussed which happens first- a Vikings Super Bowl or a Gophers B1G Ten Championship. I still argue Gophers for this...

I really like the direction both teams are heading, and don't think either of them are that far away. Prediction: The Vikings go to the Super Bowl and the Gophers go to the B1G Championship game during the 2016-2017 season, rendering your argument a draw.

the Gophers football team has its sights set on not only winning a West Division title, but contending for a Big Ten championship.

Can you win the West Division without contending for the B1G championship?

Interesting question. I love the way the B1G West shapes up for Minnesota not just now, but long term. There's always going to be a route to the B1G title game that does not involve beating Michigan or tOSU or Penn State/Michigan State.

I am still solidly on the fence about Teddy Bridgewater, but if he's a top 10-15 QB in the NFL in the near future, the Vikings future is very bright. If they could win 7 games this year with all the drama and injuries, I could see 9-10 wins next year with a couple free agents, a solid draft, and continued improvement from Teddy.

Feels like the answer to this question might be whoever takes a bigger step forward between Leidner and Bridgewater in the short term. I like the Gophers talent compared to the rest of B1G west more than the Vikes talent compared to the NFC North. That said, the Vikings have free agency and the draft to close that gap while it's rare for freshman to come in and impact a college teams w/l record significantly.

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