WCCO contrast in sports reporting this morning


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Well, my alarm went off to WCCO this morning, and I listened to it on the way into work. Both Sid Hartman and Mike Max were asked about the Gopher coaching job.

Sid (6:40 AM): His choo choo train alarm clock was going off AGAIN this morning (second time in the last couple months). Dave Lee was trying to ask him about his opinions on the Gopher coaching search but you could barely hear anything above Sid's alarm clock (which he did nothing to stop). Sid just said "I dunno" when Dave asked him for names, and then went on and on about how Horton is the guy for the job. In the end, the whole thing just turned into a joke as Lee kept slipping in references about trains ("Boy, Virginia came out like a LOCOMOTIVE in the second half last night") and these jokes just went over Sid's head.

Mike Max (8:10 AM): Same question from Lee... Max rattled off EVERY name that has come up as a serious candidate. He talked about buyouts, pros, cons, and mentioned the funny rumors that come up, such as the "Fedora is in Minneapolis" rumor from yesterday.

It was like a Star Trek episode where there were two parallel universes, and Spock had a beard in one of them.

I realize I have commented on this before, but I hear Sid a lot so his comments are often fresh on my mind. He just doesn't make much sense most of the time now. It seems as though his 'personal friend' angle is getting harder and harder to separate from actual reporting.

Well, my alarm went off to WCCO this morning, and I listened to it on the way into work. Both Sid Hartman and Mike Max were asked about the Gopher coaching job.

Sid (6:40 AM): His choo choo train alarm clock was going off AGAIN this morning (second time in the last couple months). Dave Lee was trying to ask him about his opinions on the Gopher coaching search but you could barely hear anything above Sid's alarm clock (which he did nothing to stop). Sid just said "I dunno" when Dave asked him for names, and then went on and on about how Horton is the guy for the job. In the end, the whole thing just turned into a joke as Lee kept slipping in references about trains ("Boy, Virginia came out like a LOCOMOTIVE in the second half last night") and these jokes just went over Sid's head.

Mike Max (8:10 AM): Same question from Lee... Max rattled off EVERY name that has come up as a serious candidate. He talked about buyouts, pros, cons, and mentioned the funny rumors that come up, such as the "Fedora is in Minneapolis" rumor from yesterday.

It was like a Star Trek episode where there were two parallel universes, and Spock had a beard in one of them.

I realize I have commented on this before, but I hear Sid a lot so his comments are often fresh on my mind. He just doesn't make much sense most of the time now. It seems as though his 'personal friend' angle is getting harder and harder to separate from actual reporting.

Max didn't rattle off anything except the names from the rumor mill that you can read about here, and everywhere else.

Isn't that what I said?

He also talked about the process, buyouts, and the silly Fedora rumor from yesterday.

Maybe Sid should have said that if they hire Trestman Gopher fans would run Maturi out of town on a RAIL.

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