Washington Post: At Penn State’s stadium, profanity, scorn greet one father’s protest

Penn St. fans are quickly becoming one of my most disliked fan bases. The fact that no one defended this guy shows how removed they are from the real world.


This was so predictable. These morons couldn't figure out that the media would be watching this guy.

They should have cancelled the season, but they couldn't get past themselves to do so.

I liked Stewart's take: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobil...tate-scandal-joe-paterno-fired_n_1087985.html

So many people in this fan base just do not get it. Heard there were also "Joe Paterno" chants during the game yesterday. Not surprising - but embarrassing.

This is from twitter:

Atmosphere outside stadium overwhelmingly pro-Paterno. T-shirts, signs, chants. Mixed in were some dissenters but swallowed in sea of JoePa.

I bet even the Big East wouldn't take this inbred trash.

I have to say that I'm just totally flabbergasted over the deification of Joe Paterno. They really act like he's a martyr and was done in by an evil conspiracy. There's plenty of blame to go around, but it's amazing how the PSU fans are treating Paterno as though he was a victim. Mind-boggling.

They should have cancelled the season, but they couldn't get past themselves to do so.

Who does that punish aside from the players and the fans, neither of whom had anything to do with the scandal?

Who does that punish aside from the players and the fans, neither of whom had anything to do with the scandal?

I agree, but when you have something this bad happen to a university eventually it may affect innocent people such as the players, unfortunately, because of bad decisions made by a few.

I'm all for freedom of speech and am loathe to blame the victim (the victim in this case being the fan scorned by other PSU fans), but he could have saved the righteous indignation and just stayed home with the signs. You can hold up a mirror, but you can't make people look in it and I am sure most PSU fans will look in that mirror soon enough and realize the horror that has occurred and Paterno's complicity in hiding that horror.

I want to make it clear that I don't think what the protesting fan did was wrong, only futile and likely to be met with the undeserved, but expected, reaction.

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