Was Herbstreit high yesterday? On Bielema. ...


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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Apologies if this was addressed elsewhere (not gonna' read 7 pages of Rose Bowl thread), but did anyone else hear Herbstreit say after the Rose Bowl that "Bielema can't catch a break"?

I about puked when I heard that.

What does Herbstreit call it when a QB of Russell Wilson's quality falls in Bielema's lap?

Herbstreit constantly performing verbal fellatio on Russell Wilson was incredibly sickening. He did everything short of giving him a lap dance on the 50 yard line.

When the whole clock thing was going down Herby asked out loud, "Did they start the clock before the ball was snapped?????" As if that's when the clock should've started. Then neither he nor old man what's his toes said anything for like 10 seconds. I was embarrassed, although not as embarrassed as ESPN should be for having Millen on the other broadcast. That was a train wreck.

Then neither he nor old man what's his toes said anything for like 10 seconds.

I remember when "old man what's his toes" was a far more obnoxious young man.

When the whole clock thing was going down Herby asked out loud, "Did they start the clock before the ball was snapped?????" As if that's when the clock should've started. Then neither he nor old man what's his toes said anything for like 10 seconds. I was embarrassed, although not as embarrassed as ESPN should be for having Millen on the other broadcast. That was a train wreck.

Yeah.. at that point I was yelling at my computer screen (watched the game via stream). I couldn't believe he didn't know the rules on that. He sounded like a Wisky homer, which made me puke a little in my mouth.

Honestly, I think he just said the wrong words and meant did the clock start before the ref gave the ready signal. A guy like him knows the rules. He was all over the touchback play.

He does enjoy zip-gulping Wisconsin from time to time, but generally, he's good. With Keith Jackson out of the game and all of today's announcers, there's still nobody I'd rather have calling the Rose Bowl than Musberger & Herbstreit.

Herbstreit was just on with Cowherd and said the same thing about how wisconsin can't catch a break. He talked about how over their last four losses they could've easily been 4-0 and that he feels so bad for them. This quote came after Cowherd said that the national championship has the correct two teams playing after watching yesterday's bowls. Ridiculous.

Herbstreit's a Big Ten guy, so he's likely to lean that way, but it does seem that he's a bit lovestruck with Bielema.

Brent had some mistakes. He said LMJ had yet to score in a BCS game. Wrong. He scored in the NCG last year. He also said how the state of Michigan is looking to go 2-0 in bowls. Wrong. Western Michigan lost their bowl game. The clock starting before the ball snapped comment irked me too.

Honestly, I think he just said the wrong words and meant did the clock start before the ref gave the ready signal.

I don't know--I played it back about 5 times, and it seemed like he thought the ball needed to to snapped. Obviously, the 11 Wiskey starters and the coach thought so...

There could be a terrific chance for a rule here, like basketball's 0.4 second shot rule. No play under 4 seconds can stop the clock in time with an incompletion. Maybe even 5 seconds.

Not nearly as bad as when Bielema took the stupid second timeout to challenge the unchallengeable play and Herbstreit was asking (repeatedly) if they'd be able to get the timeout back if it couldn't be reviewed. Really just came off looking like a complete idiot at a few spots throughout the game IMO.

I'm sure Herbsteit knew the rule, but I did SCREAM at my TV "Yes it did because that's the F#$@ing rule, MORON!". It was such a great moment of schaudenfraude to see Bert Bi-enema with that dumb look on his face when the time ran out. Oh, the memories!

Good point also on Herbstreit asking if Bert could get the timeout back. If Musberger would have asked or if Herby would have said it once and caught himself, it would have been ok. But he must have asked the question 10 times before he figured out they weren't getting it back. I assume Herby knows the rules, but I believe as soon as your hands make the "T" the only way to get it back is if the referees actually review something or realize without review something was wrong (clock running and should be stopped, wrong down, etc.). It's not like the NFL where you can throw out the challenge flag, then the referee comes over and tells you it's not reviewable and everyone goes about their business.

I'm sure Herbsteit knew the rule, but I did SCREAM at my TV "Yes it did because that's the F#$@ing rule, MORON!". It was such a great moment of schaudenfraude to see Bert Bi-enema with that dumb look on his face when the time ran out. Oh, the memories!

I wanted Oregon to win and I doubt I can top your case of schadenfreude (although I had some), but the look on Bielema's mug was priceless. There is a difference on when the clock starts between a time-out, an incomplete pass, and the clock stoppage on a first down but that fact appeared to be lost on the Wisconsin sideline.

With Keith Jackson out of the game and all of today's announcers, there's still nobody I'd rather have calling the Rose Bowl than Musberger & Herbstreit.

No, I'm right there with you - I'll miss Brent when he's gone. And for the most part, Brent still does his homework or at least enought of it. Now Tim McCarver on the other hand...

And for the record here, the refs gave Bucky a shot to run a play. They just muffed it of course

Herbstreit was just on with Cowherd and said the same thing about how wisconsin can't catch a break. He talked about how over their last four losses they could've easily been 4-0 and that he feels so bad for them. This quote came after Cowherd said that the national championship has the correct two teams playing after watching yesterday's bowls. Ridiculous.

Sooooo, neither of them mentioned the TWO games Wisky won last year because of a blocked PAT? Huh.... That's strange...

Funny, the Wisky fans will tell you the blocked PAT's were a result of perfect planning and execution but somehow the plays made against them at the end of the games this year were some fluke of nature.

Sooooo, neither of them mentioned the TWO games Wisky won last year because of a blocked PAT? Huh.... That's strange...

Funny, the Wisky fans will tell you the blocked PAT's were a result of perfect planning and execution but somehow the plays made against them at the end of the games this year were some fluke of nature.

Don't forget about the roughing the kicker penalty that saved their bacon in the BT championship game.

Yeah.. at that point I was yelling at my computer screen (watched the game via stream). I couldn't believe he didn't know the rules on that. He sounded like a Wisky homer, which made me puke a little in my mouth.

You talk about "puking a little in your mouth..." quite often. Maybe you should see an MD to consult about your condition. You MAY have a little "bulemia" and if you do I would suggest that you NEVER watch the stinking badgers again...at least not while they still have a coach who has a name that sounds like an eating disorder...

So, when that happens to you, what do you do? I've seen you mention that a number of times. I do hope you will get it attended to...we certainly don't want any "stinking badger fan..." talking about" "...that pukin' Gopher Fan..."

; 0 )

PS: Herbstreet's one of the best. I'd rather listen to him than most any other of the dude/dudettes who call the games.

With Keith Jackson out of the game and all of today's announcers, there's still nobody I'd rather have calling the Rose Bowl than Musberger & Herbstreit.

I don't mind Herbstreit. I would rather Minnesota's own - Brad Nesler call it rather than Musberger IMO.

Musberger mentions yesterday, "Best wishes to Keith Jackson on a healthy recovery. He's been ailing folks and he and Dick Enberg went into the Rose Bowl Hall of Fame this week".

I was thinking at that moment........... I wonder if we could get Dick to put the headphones back on instead of Brent Musberger to call the game. I much would have preferred Dick yelling "OH........MY" after each great play than Musberger saying, "Hold On. .............. Or wait just a second............... FOLKS". In fact, we should have a "FOLKS" or "WAIT JUST A SECOND" counter for each time he broadcasts.

He will be a train wreck in the National Championship game next week. "FOLKS, WE have a DANDY in store for you tonight - It's Number 1 vs Number 2 in the BCS National Championship". "Here come Les Miles' Tigers out of the tunnel. Number 1 in the country and Number 1 in the Bayou"! "FOLKS, sit back, and enjoy this!!"

Bielema had it coming. If Michigan wins their BCS Bowl, I PRAY Brady Hoke says "we've surpassed Wisconsin."

Bielema had it coming. If Michigan wins their BCS Bowl, I PRAY Brady Hoke says "we've surpassed Wisconsin."

Though it would be priceless, Hoke would probably not call them by name, but something like "that team across the lake"

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