

Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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We've got enough divisive stuff to worry about without all the drama surrounding the stadiums. I was part of some of it myself yesterday! :rolleyes: Sorry about that.

Well here's Gov. Pawlenty's e-mail address: [email protected]

No major Sports or Entertainment project has been built in this state without the support of the sitting Governor. Governor Pawlenty even bent his "No New Taxes" pledge to allow Hennepin County to fund the new Twins stadium. His support and there is a chance of getting it built while a "hands-off" policy or an active opposition kills it.

There's the e-mail. Take your concerns to him.

We've got enough divisive stuff to worry about without all the drama surrounding the stadiums. I was part of some of it myself yesterday! :rolleyes: Sorry about that.

Well here's Gov. Pawlenty's e-mail address: [email protected]

No major Sports or Entertainment project has been built in this state without the support of the sitting Governor. Governor Pawlenty even bent his "No New Taxes" pledge to allow Hennepin County to fund the new Twins stadium. His support and there is a chance of getting it built while a "hands-off" policy or an active opposition kills it.

There's the e-mail. Take your concerns to him.

He's running for president. There's no way a new stadium happens without some kind of tax increase. He's not going to let that happen on his watch or he won't stand a chance in the Republican primaries in 2012. The push for a new stadium is dead until there is a new governor (at the earliest) unless the plan doesn't involve any tax increases.

That was fortuitous. Somebody has already started a new Vikings thread and provided Governor Pawlenty's email address. It goes without saying that opponents of a new Vikings Stadium can use the same address. If only I had the ability to copy and paste when I was in school.

Ok, I think we are ready to proceed, although it appears that some Holers might not be on board with us right now. Oh well, maybe later.

1) The first order of business is to come up with a name for our group. I am suggesting Citizens Opposed to Stadium Taxes (COST) for three reasons:

a) It will conceal our hatred of the Vikings by cloaking our group in the guise of an anti-taxes organization.

b) Since almost every right wing conservative subscribes to the No New Taxes mantra of the Republican Party, we will have a built-in base of anti-Vikings Stadium supporters. After all, anyone who has supported the No New Taxes movement would not want to be branded a hypocrite for supporting a tax for a new Vikings Stadium.

c) It might help us to enlist Jason Lewis of KTLK (FM 100.3) to come aboard along with his large group of anti-tax protestors.

2) We are also going to have to file the necessary documents to obtain non-profit status with the State of Minnesota. I don't know how that is done but I will be looking into it.

3) We need to develop a web site, as well. I think I have a good name for one but I am not ready to share it until I get it registered.

4) Finally, we need bumper stickers. Does anyone know how much that costs? I have several designs in mind. One could say - JUST SAY NO TO ZIGGY. Anouther one would say - NO NEW TAXES (for stadiums).

I assume this post will be deleted in short order. While I am sure that the owners of GopherHole will be sympathetic to our ultimate goal of getting the Vikings to move to LA, it will be understandable if they don't want their site to be seen as an overt supporter of our group. However, I expect that there will be many Vikings threads intitiated in GopherHole during the course of next year and we will be able to slip our posts into those threads from time to time.

So long for now. I will be in touch.

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