Vikes at TCF in '11?

This wasn't hard to see coming. I'm fine with it in general as long as they chip in for some upgrades - heating coils under turf for their precious December games and cash registers come to mind.

Yep. I'd be fine with it, especially if it comes with upgrades like you mentioned. In this scenario the U would finally be in the drivers seat and the Vikings the tenants, so as tenants they should be expected to pay rent and take care of things, and any upgrades they need to make so as to make the stadium more serviceable and comfortable for the players and fans in very cold weather conditions, well they should be expected to provide for all that too.

It would be a good revenue generator for our athletic department for a stadium that would otherwise be lying fallow and unused, so why not? This athletic department could use all the $$$ it can get. Amongst many other expenses, we are still on the hook for millions of dollars in buyout payments.

downsides too

if this happened, they would require that 5-10000 temporary seats would be put in which would screw our home field advantage with the border rivals. while it would be nice to make 400k per game, the idea of 13k cheeseheads would suck.

who says the Gophers would use the temporary seats if we aren't selling out the 50,800? One could argue the seats are only brought in on gamedays if they are high school bleachers.

If they are playing on campus next year then the state better approve a new stadium if not its a waste. Some actually do like the Vikings and Gophers and the Vikings leaving to LA or wherever does not make the Gophers better like some seem to think.

The Gophers could put a tarp over the additional seats that won't be used for their games. This image is of the tarps the Seattle Sounders soccer team use to cover unsold seats:


Looks somewhat familiar to a tarp I came to know all too well.


I say hold out for
1. Heating coils
2. Cash Registers/Concessions upgrades
3. Seats to replace all the bleachers

The fact we need a pro football team to upgrade the brand spanking new stadium with cash registers is an utter disaster. Someone should be shot.

I say hold out for
1. Heating coils
2. Cash Registers/Concessions upgrades
3. Seats to replace all the bleachers

1. Coils would only be needed by the Vikings, the Gophers really don't need them.
2. There already are cash registers in the concession stands.
3. Temps only go up for Vikings games.

Westcoast & Spar-

I could be wrong, but I thought TCF actually INSTALLED cash registers for the 2010 season. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I am not sure because I go to every game and usually buy something to drink prior to kickoff. I swear they changed to cash registers this year.

Other season ticket me on this.

Thanks Ski U Mah. I thought I was losing my mind with all this talk of "no cash registers." Glad my memory served me right.

Putting aside my disdain for the idea of the Vikings playing on campus for anything more than the one-night-only situation we saw, why would the Vikings want to play at TCF for an entire season if the Metrodome is fully repaired? What's in it for them?

The fact we need a pro football team to upgrade the brand spanking new stadium with cash registers is an utter disaster. Someone should be shot.

Not having cash registers is an utter disaster??? Someone should be shot? Good grief, talk about hyperbole! What word do you use for actual disasters, like Hurricane Katrina?:rolleyes:

Putting aside my disdain for the idea of the Vikings playing on campus for anything more than the one-night-only situation we saw, why would the Vikings want to play at TCF for an entire season if the Metrodome is fully repaired? What's in it for them?

Yea, I don't get this either. It's obviously it can get fixed over the summer. And the Vikes are committed to the lease next year. The only thing I can think of: the cost for an entire new roof, if that is what is needed, is so expensive that the Metrodome says screw it, we'll let you out of the lease because it is not even worth fixing since the stadium is doomed to the wrecking ball, so, why waste money on a new roof for one year.

Could we get the Vikes to pay for a new Gopher basketball practice facility?

I would hate seeing ugly temporary Bleachers set up on the plaza by the scoreboard.

Lots of great questions.

First off, to the season ticket holder: YES, they have installed (FINALLY) registers in the concessions for the 2010 season (actually, I think they did it DURING the season). Last game I went to, the lady was still used to the drawer only, and was trying to do the math in her head. I had to point out the register display for the correct amount.

Donovan brought up a great point.. The Metropolitan Sports Commission sounds like they are willing to let the Vikes go from their lease for the next season (if you read the linked article, you would have recognized that fact). They are still doing their research on the roof issue. Another great point from imthewalrus is will there even BE an 2011 NFL season? Honestly, after this season's debacle, I'm ok with no NFL for next year.. It'll give the state a year to contemplate a stadium plan and to see if they truely can survive without the Vikings (I'm guessing they'll be itching for an NFL season by 2012).

I'm a fan of both MN teams, obviously. So I'm 100% ok with the Vikes using The Bank for a year or two to get their own digs. Just as long as they don't jack the place up. I'm a Gopher fan first, and I would hate to see them ruin the place (doubt it would happen).

Sorry, but I'm against the Viqueens using the Bank under any circumstance. That might make me provincial, but so be it. 28 years of being a second class (or third class, for that matter) citizen in our "home stadium" made the Gophers what they are.

I don't want the Gophers to be made a second class citizen in their own stadium, and that's exactly what the NFL and the Queens would attempt do.

P!ss on them. The best thing for the Gopher program would be if this "50 year infection" that is the Viqueens to fade away. They have dumped on football fans in this state for half a century, and we keep coming back for more. They've made repeated threats to leave town. They are one of only a handful, HANDFUL of NFL teams wihout a championship,and we keep coming back for more. No more for me.

Since this will come up, here are the teams that have not won a Championship. In the Super Bowl era (1966 season and beyond), you only count Super Bowl Champions. Prior to 1966, you can count NFL and AFL champions:

Seattle, Atlanta, Carolina, Jacksonville, Houston Texans, Cincinnati, Minnesota.

That's it. Every other franchise has won a pre-1966 NFL or AFL championship or a Super Bowl. Who's been around the longest?

If the Vikings get a new stadium on the present Dome site they will play at least two seasons at TCF.

My conditions would be no paint on TCF field. Any Viking signage or promotions would be on game day only. Temp endzone seating is still a question for me.

Financial considerations TBD

If the Vikings get a new stadium on the present Dome site they will play at least two seasons at TCF.

My conditions would be no paint on TCF field. Any Viking signage or promotions would be on game day only. Temp endzone seating is still a question for me.

Financial considerations TBD

Sell SRO tickets, no temp seating. They can use the plaza, upper deck walkway and the concourse areas.

No paint, no banners, no flags. The'll get enough purple on the scoreboards and the ring board. $1 million per game rent. That's only $20 a ticket. No parking or concession revenue. Pay it or play somewhere else.

Sid on Sharing TCF and Dome Roof Repair

I just read Sid's column in today's paper. He leads with bit about Brett Favre. Then he writes how the U won't share TCF with the Vikings. He mentions the feasibility study that Red McCombs and the Vikings used to reject sharing a stadium with the Gophers.

All reasonable.

Then Sid writes about repairing the Dome roof. He says that it's certainly repairable;how only nine of 106 panels are damaged. He finishes with a paragraph about how they shouldn't repair the roof because it would cost to much.:eek:

Sid is saying they can't fix the Dome and they can't play at TCF. I think he's lobbying for the umpteenth time for a new Vikings stadium. Though a non-Sid savvy reader could come to a different conclusion: where would they play the 2011 season in Minnesota?

The question then becomes, which stadium in LA is Sid hoping they move to?:p

I just read Sid's column in today's paper. He leads with bit about Brett Favre. Then he writes how the U won't share TCF with the Vikings. He mentions the feasibility study that Red McCombs and the Vikings used to reject sharing a stadium with the Gophers.

All reasonable.

Then Sid writes about repairing the Dome roof. He says that it's certainly repairable;how only nine of 106 panels are damaged. He finishes with a paragraph about how they shouldn't repair the roof because it would cost to much.:eek:

Sid is saying they can't fix the Dome and they can't play at TCF. I think he's lobbying for the umpteenth time for a new Vikings stadium. Though a non-Sid savvy reader could come to a different conclusion: where would they play the 2011 season in Minnesota?

The question then becomes, which stadium in LA is Sid hoping they move to?:p

Keep in mind the Vikes pay the dome $650,000(from the numbers I've heard) per home game x 10 games=6.5 mill per year. that would go a long way to repairing/fixing the dome. If the dome is ready for play the Vikes are contractualy obligated to play and pay that in 2011.

If the Vikes were to play at TCF they would lose approx 10,000 seats. 10,000 seats @ $60 per seat(that's the Gopher seat price, so just a guess)=$600,000 x 10 games = 6 mill. That doesn't count any other things like concessions etc.

If the dome were ready to play in 2011 the Vikes would still have to pay the dome commission and they wouldn't get TCF for free.

How far would 6 or 12 mill(1 or 2 years) go towards adding 10,000 seats to TCF????

How far would 6 or 12 mill(1 or 2 years) go towards adding 10,000 seats to TCF????

For Vikes Games only as a game day roll-in style bleachers? Might cover it. There should be zero interest in adding seats to our stadium for Gophs games at this time.

Keep in mind the Vikes pay the dome $650,000(from the numbers I've heard) per home game x 10 games=6.5 mill per year. that would go a long way to repairing/fixing the dome. If the dome is ready for play the Vikes are contractualy obligated to play and pay that in 2011.

If the Vikes were to play at TCF they would lose approx 10,000 seats. 10,000 seats @ $60 per seat(that's the Gopher seat price, so just a guess)=$600,000 x 10 games = 6 mill. That doesn't count any other things like concessions etc.

If the dome were ready to play in 2011 the Vikes would still have to pay the dome commission and they wouldn't get TCF for free.

How far would 6 or 12 mill(1 or 2 years) go towards adding 10,000 seats to TCF????

All quite true. I was more intrigued by Sid unknowingly lobbying for a Vikings move to LA then a reasonable solution to the Dome roof problem. :)

I find it hard to believe they will even need 5-10K additional temporary seats. The team is terrible and will probably be so for at least a few years. Throw in the fact that 25-30% (personal estimate) of current season ticket holders won't want to sit outside and 50K seats will be just fine for the time being.

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