Video of workouts


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Jun 5, 2009
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Just a few observations from Doogie's 6AM workout piece

-Kill looks thinner to me, it'd be a good sign if he personally is getting in shape, healthier too for those with any concerns about Kill's health
-Brooks Michel is working out in the video, looks to be healthy after the concussion concerns
-Alipate looked to be in better shape than in the past
-Kirkwood is a thick kid, really stout
-Edwards looks much bigger than he did when I saw him his Sr year in spring track
-Gray looks bigger to me too
-Love the tempo of the workouts, really seems like they are getting after it

Gray is a big, lean, mean bundle of dymanite. Anyone who witnessed that 4th quarter third down run vs. Iowa when he destroyed that DB can see it. Bigger is even better.

FYI, I was looking for a YouTube video of the run and was futile in my effort. Did find this, though...Iowa Rivals on Gray

Ole: solid observations from an 80 second piece... I have some free time right now... I'll put up some more raw video, and post the link here.

As an out of the Twin Cities Gopher fan, thanks for putting this stuff on the web Doogie.

Revolutionary Doogie

Thanks for the coverage. I have clammored for 10 years for more coverage of Strength and Conditioning in January and February. Gray explained why. They never started conditioning this early. I love the clips. There was much talk about bending, and Coach Kill made it clear he wants the players bending their knees and sitting down. That does several thingss. First you are lowering your center of gravity, and coiling the spring, You are in a position to explode.

Thanks again Doogie

Coach Kline's mustache demands respect.

In his defense he is a DL, they are not going to be in the same condition as the backs.

I realize that. I was looking at him on his own merit, not comparing him to anyone else. Just did not appear in shape to the naked, untrained eye. Of course, he could have been filmed at the end of a greuling portion of the workout.

Kirksey did look a bit slow but if I had to guess with him being away from the main group, he may have been with the trainers which is common for guys with an injury of some sort. I by no means have any idea if he's injured but he looked to have a slight limp.

Doogie.. thanks!! Please please please keep 'em coming!!

Kirksey did look a bit slow but if I had to guess with him being away from the main group, he may have been with the trainers which is common for guys with an injury of some sort. I by no means have any idea if he's injured but he looked to have a slight limp.

Yeah, he did look a little sluggish. I am not going to judge him based on that quick clip because we don't know when it was taken. If this was taken at the very end of a really grueling drill, maybe that's what they all looked like.

-It was nice to see Michel working out hard. That's a great sign. As you can see with the issues Morneau is having getting back to the field, if you are still having trouble from concussions, they won't even let you run.

-Campion looks pretty solid. He is a big guy and I thought he might have been moving the best out of everyone in that drill.

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