Video of entire last 34 seconds of game


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Go Gophers!!

Don't believe I'll ever have the heart to watch this again.

^Was this really necessary?

It was for me. Being at the game, the confusion, etc., well, I didn't get to see it on TV or replay. It cleared up a few questions I had. And made me even more frustrated.

Go Gophers!!

This is why we can't have nice things.

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Please destroy this video. It will be impossible to erase this from my memory bank if you don't. :cry:

Bleed must be a masochist. ?

per Dienhart:

Minnesota will relive the last two plays of the Michigan game for days … weeks … years … eons. Why not kick the chippy field goal to force OT? The Gophers were at home, and the Wolverines had a backup QB in the game. Oh, well. The crushing defeat wrecked what would have been a fantastic retirement gift for Jerry Kill. Now, 4-4 Minnesota may be hard-pressed to make a bowl with games left at Ohio State, at Iowa, vs. Illinois and vs. Wisconsin.

Go Gophers

Okay, time to move on, let's get ready for OSU!

Agreed. How great would it be to go into the Shoe and win.

We seem to forget that this Gophers team was struggling to beat teams like Colorado State, Kent State and Ohio while getting smacked by Nebraska. We just went toe to toe with Michigan and showed that we should have/could have won. I call that a step forward in this years progression. We have no pressure on us for the rest of the season and Coach Claeys gets a week to enforce his will upon the game plan. I for one am looking forward to this upcoming Saturday.


Agreed. How great would it be to go into the Shoe and win.
It would be great, just like winning the Powerball lottery.

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If he doesn't hold we catch and win.

Why do our receivers always fall away to make the catch. Wolitarsky goes up and gets it instead of falling down we win the game. I feel like we never go up to fight for the ball. Makes me mad.

Having wathing this again-- did anyone else notice on that 1st down play that Harbaugh was running down the sideline calling timeout well before the ball was snapped? How unfortunate that that was not noticed and if anything it would have given us a chance to regroup in the huddle

<iframe width="640" height="360" src=",FLV" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Go Gophers!!

This is so gross. :cry:

Having wathing this again-- did anyone else notice on that 1st down play that Harbaugh was running down the sideline calling timeout well before the ball was snapped? How unfortunate that that was not noticed and if anything it would have given us a chance to regroup in the huddle
Thanks for pointing that out. Salt, meet wound.

He was actually on the field when the ball was snapped! Umm, isn't that a penalty?

Agreed. How great would it be to go into the Shoe and win.

How great would it be if everyone on earth had a home? How great would it be if everyone on earth had food? How nice would winning the lottery be? How nice would it be for Kate Upton to be your wife? Do you see where I'm going with this?

Why do our receivers always fall away to make the catch. Wolitarsky goes up and gets it instead of falling down we win the game. I feel like we never go up to fight for the ball. Makes me mad.

I was thinking this very same thing all game long, and no one is more guilty of it than Woli....
he always let's the ball land in his arms, as he's falling to the ground. Decker would go right
to the ball and stab it with both hands, heck even Fruechte last year would use his hands.
Fundamentals like that are very costly..

I was thinking this very same thing all game long, and no one is more guilty of it than Woli....
he always let's the ball land in his arms, as he's falling to the ground. Decker would go right
to the ball and stab it with both hands, heck even Fruechte last year would use his hands.
Fundamentals like that are very costly..

It happened in the 3rd quarter too last Saturday. The ball was placed perfectly in the end zone. If Wolitarsky goes up and gets it he probably catches it. But he let it come to him and it was knocked away.

It happened in the 3rd quarter too last Saturday. The ball was placed perfectly in the end zone. If Wolitarsky goes up and gets it he probably catches it. But he let it come to him and it was knocked away.

Weber for QB Coach! Decker for WR Coach! Reclaim WEBER TO DECKER! :clap: :rolleyes:

It happened in the 3rd quarter too last Saturday. The ball was placed perfectly in the end zone. If Wolitarsky goes up and gets it he probably catches it. But he let it come to him and it was knocked away.

I never played WR, but even as a DB they always taught us even at the JR high level to turn our hips and
go up after the ball....if he did that and became agressive, TD here and at the end of the game.

How great would it be if everyone on earth had a home? How great would it be if everyone on earth had food? How nice would winning the lottery be? How nice would it be for Kate Upton to be your wife? Do you see where I'm going with this?

So what you're saying is that we have a chance... YES!

How great would it be if everyone on earth had a home? How great would it be if everyone on earth had food? How nice would winning the lottery be? How nice would it be for Kate Upton to be your wife? Do you see where I'm going with this?
Nope. Not at all.

How great would it be if everyone on earth had a home? How great would it be if everyone on earth had food? How nice would winning the lottery be? How nice would it be for Kate Upton to be your wife? Do you see where I'm going with this?
In to the bathroom with some hand lotion and kleenex? [emoji15]

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