Video: Michael Phelps wears speedo in ASU student section to distract FT shooters


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Nov 11, 2008
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The story of how Arizona State's incredible student-created Curtain of Distraction convinced the best swimmer in the history of mankind to don a speedo, swim cap, fake gold medals and a pair of sneaks ... well let's just say I need that information NOW.

As Oregon State was prepping to shoot a couple of foul shots on Thursday night, the Curtain unveiled a celebrity cameo that immediately became legendary. Out popped Phelps, looking ready to hit a quick 200-meter freestyle. An awesome moment that Phelps teased via his Twitter account just moments before it happened.

Go Gophers!!

Didn't Phelps go to Michigan? I'm confused.

His coach, Bob Bowman, was at Michigan, so he trained there. I believe he took some classes, but I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a degree. Bowman has moved on to ASU, so Phelps has followed him there.

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