Video: Gopher Greats: Rickey Foggie

One of my favorites too. There was nothing more exciting in the mid '80s than watching Rickey pull the ball down and take off running!

Great to see former greats shaking hands, visiting tailgait parties. It would be something else to have the 1977 team back for the Michigan Game.

Pretty sure Rickie sat across the aisle from me at the Vikings game sunday and I wasn't sure if it was him. After watching the video, I'm pretty sure it was! SHould've said something to him. Dang.

"Sweet feet" was a blast to watch. Not only a tremendous football player but friendly approacheable guy.

Butch Nash Guy, the mention of the 1977 team you were one of the coaches.

It would be really cool if they included some of his highlights interspersed amongst his comments. This would be a great way to introduce newer fans to what some of the greats looked like in action and remind older fans of those glory years (OK, the mid to late '80's weren't glory years but perhaps for some of the other "greats" this applies :)). Plus it never hurts to hear good old Ray.

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