Video: Duke's Grayson Allen trips opponent on purpose, gets technical


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Nov 11, 2008
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per CBS: It's official, Grayson Allen is the Draymond Green of college basketball

You can't say it's an unfair comparison.

Or undeserved.

Grayson Allen has become college basketball's version of Draymond Green. That analogy took official status Wednesday night. Allen, like Green, is one of the most best and most valuable players in his sport. Yet he keeps killing his reputation by repeatedly -- whether intentionally or unintentionally; consciously or subconsciously -- putting opponents in harm's way with his legs.

The latest came in the first half of Duke's 72-61 win over Elon. Duke had its issues early on, though, and so that frustration bubbled over with Allen going trying to pull off a move that's half Gene Kelly, half Karate Kid.

Allen tripped another guy. Stuck his leg out again. This one looks as egregious as any of his prior violations. That's Elon's Steven Santa Ana who gets hooked.

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If Krzyzewski doesn't suspend, the ACC could consider it. Duke's next game is its first in ACC play: at Virginia Tech on Dec. 31.
This is where we are with Allen, though. His reputation has been solidified. It's just a shame, and entirely his fault, that Grayson Allen's name is tied more to cheap stuff like this than the fact he's one of college basketball's great players.

Go Gophers!!

ACC should consider a suspension? It should be a done deal. This guy is a ticking time bomb. Did anyone see is reaction on the bench afterwards? He should have sat the rest of the game.

ACC should consider a suspension? It should be a done deal. This guy is a ticking time bomb. Did anyone see is reaction on the bench afterwards? He should have sat the rest of the game.

St K does nothing. Nothing. St K.

So if god forbid you foul someone with your legs instead of your hands or arms your a cheater and a reprobate. They have flagrant foul rules, intentional foul rules, technical foul rules let those work and move on. Hooking him with his leg to prevent him from scoring isn't any different than wrapping him up with your arms to prevent an easy lay up, it's a desperation play, has a proscribed penalty, move on. Now the kids who intentionally eye poke opponents, that I can get on board with calling them out. And by the way I HATE Duke.

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Here is the meltdown.

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Grayson's behavior is bizarre. He seems unhinged. They need to take the time during this suspension to get him a little help. That's what they said on SportsCenter last night, and I find myself agreeing with them.

I also saw a clip of J Williams responding to it during UK v Loui halftime, and said something to the effect of - he seems like that guy that's always talking and no one does anything about it, I'm surprised no one has taken a swing at him" basically asking "why hasn't anyone punched this guy in the face yet." I agree with the above statement from BG, he seems pretty lost - who in their right mind would want to keep doing this to themselves and suffer the public embarrassment? I normally like and have a lot of respect for J Williams, but what a craven and irresponsible thing to say.

Need a shower after listening to some of these coaches

Coach K sounded downright Bobby Knight-ian during some portions of his rationalization press conference. I need a shower after listening to so many DI coaches these days.

Grayson's behavior is bizarre. He seems unhinged. They need to take the time during this suspension to get him a little help. That's what they said on SportsCenter last night, and I find myself agreeing with them.

Agree with this. This kind of situation is not new and affect people in multiple industries, societies and situations. I am not a physician or a psychiatrist, so take this for what it's worth, but Grayson appears to have a serious behavioral disorder which is far beyond being a spoiled kid. I'm not going to defend any behavior, but this is not something that he can just turn on and off. It just happens. It is very difficult to understand from the outside unless you have seen it before. Again just my opinion but Grayson literally is predisposed to this kind of behavior and he cannot control it. It just happens and then afterwards he cannot handle the emotions that result from this behavior. Honestly he probably needs some aggressive behavioral modification therapy in order to get this under control. It is also likely that this has happened many other times that no one knows about.

Coach K's arrogance, smugness has no boundaries

"Go ahead all of you who want to take shots at me and Duke. I'm comfortable with that."

To summarize: Duke, Allen and Coach K are the victims here?

What D1 football/basketball needs is for somebody to wave a magic wand, clean house and go back about 40 years and try again. The stink only gets more pungent as the years roll on.

"Go ahead all of you who want to take shots at me and Duke. I'm comfortable with that."

To summarize: Duke, Allen and Coach K are the victims here?

What D1 football/basketball needs is for somebody to wave a magic wand, clean house and go back about 40 years and try again. The stink only gets more pungent as the years roll on.

I am sure K is comfortable beyond belief. No reason not to be. Will never be touched by the ncaa or anyone else.

So if god forbid you foul someone with your legs instead of your hands or arms your a cheater and a reprobate. They have flagrant foul rules, intentional foul rules, technical foul rules let those work and move on. Hooking him with his leg to prevent him from scoring isn't any different than wrapping him up with your arms to prevent an easy lay up, it's a desperation play, has a proscribed penalty, move on. Now the kids who intentionally eye poke opponents, that I can get on board with calling them out. And by the way I HATE Duke.

This is the third time this has happened. I know at least one of the two previous instances happened at mid court with about 4 seconds left in a game. So it appears it has nothing to do with him trying to prevent an opponent from scoring. And it is different than grabbing someone. Sticking your leg out and tripping someone has a much greater chance of causing injury.

He's being a jerk and is finally being punished.

I am curious as to what he was so vehemently whining about on the bench. What did anyone do to him to make him act like that? I can't stand it when people do wrong and then blame everyone else. What a baby.

I am curious as to what he was so vehemently whining about on the bench. What did anyone do to him to make him act like that? I can't stand it when people do wrong and then blame everyone else. What a baby.

His actions after the trip were to me more alarming. Kid needs some psych help.

His actions after the trip were to me more alarming. Kid needs some psych help.

Seconded. Makes me wonder what might go on in practice. No idea why he does what he does, but three incidents like this in less than a year is not a good sign and this is more than just "he is a competitor and got too intense." The couple of people commenting on TV last night were pretty soft on him, I thought. LaPhonso Ellis took it from a place of letting teammates down like he did when he was in college by letting himself get academically ineligible. Maybe that's something that might resonate with the kid. They were feeling bad that such a good player will now be remembered as the "tripper."

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If coach K had any character he'd dismiss Allen from the team. His antics have no place in College basketball. He's Bobby Night, but in player form!

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