Vegas Confessions


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Jan 11, 2009
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I spent entirely too much money on booze, gambling & friendly ladies at the Sapphire Gentlemans Club. Honestly, I barely remember the football game, I actually rewatched it when I got home yesterday. I had quite possibly the time of my life but 2.5 days in Vegas was enough for me. I dont think my wallet & liver could've handled another day.:D

Herbs, I was more careful with $$$ as evidenced by the fact that I spent 3 nights in a warehouse for the price of 2.

My liver still lives, as I spent more time on my back than I did on my stomach.

I spent entirely too much money on booze, gambling & friendly ladies at the Sapphire Gentlemans Club. Honestly, I barely remember the football game, I actually rewatched it when I got home yesterday. I had quite possibly the time of my life but 2.5 days in Vegas was enough for me. I dont think my wallet & liver could've handled another day.:D

That makes two of us. I started taking shots at noon on Thursday, attended the game, and left the Rhino at about 6am Friday morning. Had two credit cards shut off at the club (fraud prevention) and decided it was time to go home. Woke up to realize my third and emergency credit card with ID was left at the club. But wow is that place amazing! Just not so amazing on the wallet. Got home to MN early Saturday morning and I still feel like my head is in the clouds.

I spent entirely too much money on booze, gambling & friendly ladies at the Sapphire Gentlemans Club. Honestly, I barely remember the football game, I actually rewatched it when I got home yesterday. I had quite possibly the time of my life but 2.5 days in Vegas was enough for me. I dont think my wallet & liver could've handled another day.:D

When they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas it appears that it also included your money. I am curious about the bolded statement above. Since you didn't remember the football game, did you actually remember having a good time or did you come to that conclusion because your buddies told you did or was it the fact that you don't have any money now?:confused:

I can definitely see this thread getting interesting.

When they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas it appears that it also included your money. I am curious about the bolded statement above. Since you didn't remember the football game, did you actually remember having a good time or did you come to that conclusion because your buddies told you did or was it the fact that you don't have any money now?:confused:

I definetly remember having a good time, its just that my memory started to get sketchy starting with the Gophers game. I remember snippets from the rest of the night plus others telling me about it. The next day was pretty epic as well, this girl in our party got wheeled out of the Bare pool lounge in a wheel chair, she ended up being ok, she just had too much Patron.

Please remember, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Well, unless of course you are Prince Harry.

My pick up line in Vegas all weekend was that "I am a big fan of the gopher hole" well I got a few strange looks and almost got slapped once' either all the girls were badger fans or they thought gopher hole was a sexual move that I should probably learn.

My pick up line in Vegas all weekend was that "I am a big fan of the gopher hole" well I got a few strange looks and almost got slapped once' either all the girls were badger fans or they thought gopher hole was a sexual move that I should probably invent.

It's the natural progression from "the shocker" to "the minivan" to your invention of "the GopherHole".

She's a nice lady!
Are you sure she was a lady ?

We were in front of the Golden Nugget, and my wife insisted I get my picture taken with a hot dominatrix. I was more than happy to do this, for my wife, of course. Later she explained to me that the girl I had my picture taken with wasn't really a girl. At least my wife was laughing.

It's the natural progression from "the shocker" to "the minivan" to your invention of "the GopherHole".

I was not familiar with the minivan. Thanks to Urban Dictionary, I'm now either intrigued or afraid for humanity. I can't decide which.

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