Vegas 100:1 to Win Mountain West


Go4 Homer
Sep 22, 2009
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Local odds makers give UNLV a 100:1 shot to win the Mountain West. Basically, they have them in last place. Not exactly a vote of confidence. They give SJS 10:1 odds or 4th best in the conference. I don't put a lot of stock in projections done by sport journalists and other so called experts but always find the projections by Vegas odds makers interesting. They actually have some skin in the game unlike a lot of these magazines that seem to know a little bit about the helmet schools but nothing else.

Go Gophers!

I'm sayin' pummel-fest. Minnesota wins by no less than 35, and I'm in your office discussing it on Wednesday afternoon, day before. See you there. Reservations made.

I have a feeling that the Gophers will struggle with UNLV for a few of reasons. 1) they are usually more competitive early in the season before their complete lack of depth becomes a factor. 2) almost all of last years starters return (OK, returning starters from a 2-10 team might not be a great thing, but they were competitive in several games and if it were not for a total lack of confidence they could have won 3 or 4 more). 3) it usually takes them 3 or 4 games to lose any confidence that they might have coming into a season. I think that the Gophers will struggle but win, which I think is a good way to start the season, Go Gophers!

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