UT audit finds Longhorns staff used prime seats to play favorites, help ticket broker

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Wild animal with a keyboard
Jan 17, 2010
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Audit says some allegations were referred to police and to the Travis County district attorney, but no charges were pursued.
Auditors discovered that employees had “regular email communications” with those who had known ties to the secondary ticket market.
UT athletics officials say they have made sweeping internal changes as a result of the ticket investigation.

University of Texas athletics employees systematically abused their access to Longhorns football tickets for years, resulting in preferential treatment for favored donors, secret arrangements with ticket brokers and untold financial losses for the university, an audit obtained by the American-Statesman reveals.

Some allegations resulting from a 16-month university investigation point to possible illegal conduct, including employees who accepted gifts and exploited loopholes to pocket immeasurable profits by selling complimentary tickets. The audit says those allegations were referred to police and to the Travis County district attorney, but no charges were pursued.

Many practices uncovered by the investigation violate university policy or represent fireable offenses, UT officials said. However, no employees are named and no one is held responsible in the audit, formally completed Nov. 30 and obtained by the Statesman under the Texas Public Information Act.

According to the report, auditors began their investigation of the Longhorn Foundation, the UT athletic department’s fundraising arm, after two employees came forward in February 2012 with what a UT spokesman called “very specific allegations.”

This sounds very familiar to a ticket scandal inside the KU athletic department a few years ago relating to many of the same abuses with basketball tickets. It didn't end well for those involved.

Go Gophers!!

i love when the oh-so-holy University of Texas comes under fire. UT athletics are about as shady as they come. get me out of here

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