USC ups the ante in the facilities arms race...

Upping the ante for USC would be prying the Coliseum, Sports Arena, and Exposition Park out of the hands of the state of California. The rest is gravy.

I didn't see a single image of their stadium surrounding their film/meeting room. Meh.

Did you notice the underground practice field? I don't think you could throw long passes without hitting the ceiling, looked awfully low.

Did you notice the underground practice field? I don't think you could throw long passes without hitting the ceiling, looked awfully low.

Looked to me like that was just a workout facility that was made to look that way to make it more impressive. Don't think they'd be running 7 on 7's in there.

Looked to me like that was just a workout facility that was made to look that way to make it more impressive. Don't think they'd be running 7 on 7's in there.

Like the caption said, it looks like a good place for walkthroughs and stuff, not actual scrimmaging.

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