USC: Two-year Bowl Ban


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Nov 21, 2008
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I wonder if Seantrel wishes he hadn't signed the LOI. Lane Kiffin assured him they would not get a bowl ban.

ESPN is reporting that USC will have a two-year postseason ban in both football and basketball.

I imagine this means that USC will redshirt virtually all of its freshman both this year and next year, which could hurt their depth when we play them the next two seasons.

Go Gophers!!

2-year post season ban, vacate most or all of wins from 2004 season and reduction in scholarships. This means they will most likely lose their national championship trophy.

I thought they would get a slap on the wrist, but Im pleased with this. Good choice Seantrel.

Any report on if USC will still be allowed to foster the blossoming rap careers of players fathers?

I wonder how many players transfer now, or if players will be allowed to get out of their LOI. I wonder if Barkley transfers, I bet he wants a chance to play for something in his career.

Also, I was reading on the USC forums, the scholarship loss is 20+ THAT IS HUGE!!!

Wow, I was thinking it would be a slap on the wrist as well. Glad the NCAA is going in on this fairly and not going lightly just because they're a powerhouse program. It will be interesting to see how many decide to transfer.

Amazing outcome. I'm glad that they got the ban-hammer from the NCAA for their blatant misconduct. And like Coach Cal in basketball, that jackass Pete Carrol gets off scott free. Oh well.

Any other conspiracy theorists find it interesting that after about 5 false calls of releasing this news (effectively numbing us to it and giving it a flavor of "the boy who cried wolf"), the sanctions are finally set to be released the same day that the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup, and Nebraska is reported to have defected to the Big 10 (along with rumors of Texas, ND et al). This is the oldest trick in the book, releasing bad news on the same day that bigger news is released so it gets relegated to the back pages.

I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist about these kinds of things, but the way the timing has been handled with this thing seemed absurd to me, and now it makes all too much sense.

I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist about these kinds of things, but the way the timing has been handled with this thing seemed absurd to me, and now it makes all too much sense.

I dig a conspiracy theory as much as the next guy (not in a believability sense, rather, I find it entertaining). But to assume that USC could manipulate the timing of the announcement with the timing of the other two events you mentioned stretches the imagination, to say the least. But it is fun to let the imagination get out and run once in a while.

Any other conspiracy theorists find it interesting that after about 5 false calls of releasing this news (effectively numbing us to it and giving it a flavor of "the boy who cried wolf"), the sanctions are finally set to be released the same day that the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup, and Nebraska is reported to have defected to the Big 10 (along with rumors of Texas, ND et al). This is the oldest trick in the book, releasing bad news on the same day that bigger news is released so it gets relegated to the back pages.

I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist about these kinds of things, but the way the timing has been handled with this thing seemed absurd to me, and now it makes all too much sense.

I thought of this as soon as the Pac10 leaked rumors of a giant expansion. Now the pac10 looks forward-thinking, powerful, and proactive instead of looking embarrassed and weak having its crown jewel (USC football) annihilated with penalties.

This is so awesome. Way go Sean Henderson. You selfishly blew the biggest decision of your son's life.

This is so awesome. Way go Sean Henderson. You selfishly blew the biggest decision of your son's life.

I think this all depends on how long he stays in school, and how committed the players are to staying. If you red shirt one year, and then you play one year with no post season. You can still play three more years with a bowl. There is also no guarentee that henderson starts as a RS FR. The question after that is how "lean" and how long will the USC years be before they are picking up recruits left and right again.

Amazing outcome. I'm glad that they got the ban-hammer from the NCAA for their blatant misconduct. And like Coach Cal in basketball, that jackass Pete Carrol gets off scott free. Oh well.

Hooray for getting the chance to use this:

Any other conspiracy theorists find it interesting that after about 5 false calls of releasing this news (effectively numbing us to it and giving it a flavor of "the boy who cried wolf"), the sanctions are finally set to be released the same day that the Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup, and Nebraska is reported to have defected to the Big 10 (along with rumors of Texas, ND et al). This is the oldest trick in the book, releasing bad news on the same day that bigger news is released so it gets relegated to the back pages.

I'm usually not a conspiracy theorist about these kinds of things, but the way the timing has been handled with this thing seemed absurd to me, and now it makes all too much sense.

Unlikely since the fact that the announcement would come today has been out there since at least Tuesday (its only the actual penalties that leaked out last night). As a result it would be difficult to time it to the Stanley Cup win or NU news since:
1) How could they know Chicago would win the Stanley Cup?
2) The Nebraska news broke AFTER they announced when the penalty press conference would be.

But no one said a conspiracy theory had to make sense! ;)

You can't even make up some of their posts, such as this one:

Go Gophers!!

You have lost a (former) die hard fan for life. I grew up loving college football which was a tradition passed down from my father and grandfather. When I attended USC in the 1980's, that love for college football grew. Sadly, that love for college football has died and will never be resurrected. The damage is done. The relentless media witch hunt that has unfolded over the past five years toward USC's football program finally killed that love. The lack of a real playoff system in D-1 football (should be a 16 team minimum tournament) contributed as well.

The college football machine couldn't handle a dominate west coast team, couldn't beat them on the field so instead beat them in the back room of the good old boys club, with the NCAA presiding over this circus. I have had it with the NCAA cashing in on the star power of "student athletes" on the one hand and then the uneven, nebulous and selective prosecution on the other. USC was a victim of Reggie Bush's star power and the sleaze that attaches itself to it. The NCAA benefits from that star power as well, creating one heck of a perverse incentive. Do you remember Reggie's likeness adorning your NCAA licensed video game for EA Sports? In 2005, ESPN hailed USC "the greatest college football team of all time". With the hot spotlight of stardom shining on the program, all kinds of sleaze came out of the woodwork. Instead of protecting these student athletes from these influences by prosecuting the perpetrators, the NCAA did nothing but sit back and wait. No sense killing the golden goose until it's laid all the eggs huh?

Does the NCAA provide these schools with their own little FBI units so they can monitor the players family members, girlfriends, friends, entourages, dead-beat uncles, long lost step dads 24-7?

I think Pete Carroll made the right decision. Go back to the No Fun League where he can compete for championships that are decided on the field (not in the media). Most importantly, he won't have to deal with the NCAA.

I will never buy another NCAA licensed product. I have told my wife not to buy NCAA licensed products for me as gifts. I will do my best to pass this creed on to my son as well, teach him what the NCAA is really about: vacated wins, hollow championships and hypocrisy.

Do your worst to USC, that school will survive whatever you throw at them. Your judgment day is coming NCAA.

Uff and da. What's next, black helicopters?

Is it wrong to be this happy about this news?


Not at all. I, for one, am giddy. Not because I dislike USC, but more because I dislike cheating and those who will defend their program as though everyone is out to get them for no reason.

I'm shocked that MNWolfman hasn't come in to post on one of the myriad USC threads and take his medicine...:rolleyes:

Dan Wetzel of Yahoo is reporting that USC is losing 30 scholarships, vacating the 04 and 05 seasons, and has a 15 scholarship limit for the next 3 years. Hardcore.

Not at all. I, for one, am giddy. Not because I dislike USC, but more because I dislike cheating and those who will defend their program as though everyone is out to get them for no reason.

I'm shocked that MNWolfman hasn't come in to post on one of the myriad USC threads and take his medicine...:rolleyes:

If I were dead, I'd be rolling over in my hide my boner.

Karma baby...sweet, sweet karma.

Dan Wetzel of Yahoo is reporting that USC is losing 30 scholarships, vacating the 04 and 05 seasons, and has a 15 scholarship limit for the next 3 years. Hardcore.

LA Time's confirms. Some excerpts:
Citing a history of misdeeds that "strike at the heart" of college amateurism, the NCAA hit USC with a string of penalties Thursday that will keep the powerhouse Trojans football team out of bowl games for the next two seasons and could cost the university millions of dollars.
As the governing body for college sports, the NCAA's Committee on Infractions cited USC for a lack of institutional control, extra benefits and unethical conduct by an assistant football coach, among other things.
The words of doom.

In addition to the postseason ban, the football program will lose 10 scholarships a season for three seasons and face additional restrictions in how and when its coaches may recruit high school prospects. The Trojans must forfeit victories from part of 2004 and all of 2005, which could jeopardize their 2004 national championship.
Ouch! 10 per year? As Champ Kind would say, "WHAMMY!"

USC's entire athletic program was placed on four years of probation.
Another celebrated football program, Alabama, received similar penalties in 2002, when Crimson Tide boosters were found to be paying players. The program received five years' probation, a two-year bowl ban and the loss of 21 scholarships over three seasons.

In USC's case, the committee said it also seriously considered imposing a television ban.
[Reggie Bush], now playing for the New Orleans Saints, was ruled retroactively ineligible for taking cash and gifts from a pair of would-be sports marketers who hoped to represent him after he turned professional. Bush's family also lived in a home owned by one of the marketers without paying rent.

The NCAA said that in January 2006, the marketers contacted a USC assistant to complain that Bush was not living up to the deal they had made with him. Investigators said the assistant failed to alert USC compliance officials of the situation and later provided "false and misleading information" to the NCAA.

The football program was also cited for breaking rules by having a hired consultant act as an assistant coach.
Here's where the "Lack of Institutional Control" comes in I think.


The NCAA said that in January 2006, the marketers contacted a USC assistant to complain that Bush was not living up to the deal they had made with him. Investigators said the assistant failed to alert USC compliance officials of the situation and later provided "false and misleading information" to the NCAA.

What are the odds that said assistant was Lane Kiffin???

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