USC game, 2:30 kickoff, ESPN

I know that most of you want this to be a bright, sunny afternoon.

I don't care. I'd rather have a full blizzard.

Isn't 70 and sunny exactly what USC would want? To win we will need a game with a low score, and probably lots of turnovers. Snow would help.

We've beaten USC a grand total of one time. It was in the snow at Memorial Stadium.

Can you imagine a more iconic Minnesota victory than a September snow win against USC?

I know that most of you want this to be a bright, sunny afternoon.

I don't care. I'd rather have a full blizzard.

Isn't 70 and sunny exactly what USC would want? To win we will need a game with a low score, and probably lots of turnovers. Snow would help.

We've beaten USC a grand total of one time. It was in the snow at Memorial Stadium.

Can you imagine a more iconic Minnesota victory than a September snow win against USC?

Since the game is on 9/18, and the earliest measurable snowfall in the history of the state was 9/14 (and was only 0.3 inches), I think you have a better chance of hoping that Adam Weber actually plays well this fall.

How do you figure? There are 24 hours in a day, regardless. That's the crux of my utter boredom with the topic - nothing changes due to the kickoff time, other than one's ability to tailgate at noon instead of 9 am. Big deal. If you have to get up early, so what? That's what late afternoons are for - catching up on the previous night's sleep.

Not so fast my friend. There is a big difference for 2:30 games and night games...You get 6 hours of tailgating instead of 4. Now maybe that's a bore to you or not a big deal. But it matters to some. Getting up early doesn't have to play any part in it.

Now everyone around the country will be awake to see us get spanked.

Not so fast my friend. There is a big difference for 2:30 games and night games...You get 6 hours of tailgating instead of 4. Now maybe that's a bore to you or not a big deal. But it matters to some. Getting up early doesn't have to play any part in it.

You're right in that it is both a bore and not a big deal to me. And I was aware of the difference in tailgate lot opening times between day and night games (just waiting for someone to call me out on it - not surprised that it was you;)). But that still doesn't explain away the big hard-on for 2:30 vs. 11.

You're right in that it is both a bore and not a big deal to me. And I was aware of the difference in tailgate lot opening times between day and night games (just waiting for someone to call me out on it - not surprised that it was you;)). But that still doesn't explain away the big hard-on for 2:30 vs. 11.

You're not as smart as I thought.

One of the reasons you play a USC is to put yourself in the limelight and be recognized. That pretty much disappears with the 11:00 start time unless the Gophers happen to win. No one other than hard core fans will even see the game and if USC wins big it will be nothing more than a footnote for a top 25 team. It is almost detrimental to the program, can't even get a prime time game when you play a legend in a non conference game.

You're right in that it is both a bore and not a big deal to me. And I was aware of the difference in tailgate lot opening times between day and night games (just waiting for someone to call me out on it - not surprised that it was you;)). But that still doesn't explain away the big hard-on for 2:30 vs. 11.

OK, let's use simple words.

1) Tailgating: If you travel at all to the game, an 11a kickoff means getting up in the wee hours on a Saturday, if one wants to tailgate at all before the game. Breakfast tailgate fare, while enjoyable once in a while, is generally not as elaborate as that at later kickoff times. For 11a, I generally tailgate before and after the game, but that means twice the stuff to bring. An afternoon or evening kickoff gives time to savor the anticipation, discuss possible scenarios, and enjoy the sunlight. Night games have the advantage of lights on the field, which always adds atmosphere and makes a game special.

2) Exposure: A 2:30 or night games means you are in the "big time" and means lots of potential recruits see your game. It is good for the program.

My perfect kickoff time is 1p, but that doesn't fit with television schedules.

Snow would help.

We've beaten USC a grand total of one time. It was in the snow at Memorial Stadium.

Can you imagine a more iconic Minnesota victory than a September snow win against USC?

No. That could potentially be the most epic game of all time.

Hear that Mother Nature? 6 inches of snow the night before USC with unseasonable 35 degree temps. The USC boys wouldn't even want to get off the bus let alone play.

I've been following sports for almost 30 years. I've been a fan of a lot of different teams at all levels of competition. This board is the only, and I mean the only place where I've ever seen anyone actually care about what time the games start. Not only care about it, but discuss it, dissect it, and lobby for certain time preferences over others.

I guess the point is, what the hell is the difference? The games are scheduled when they are scheduled. Show up, don't show up, but who cares? Does anyone truly think 11 vs. 2:30 vs. 7 vs. whenever makes that big of a difference? USC/Ohio St./Florida/Texas/etc. didn't get good because they were scheduled in the "prime" TV slots. They got scheduled in the prime TV slots because they were good.

Wow, holy wet this your wife?

Ha! A Vadger fan talking down to someone. That's rich.

And yet the rest of his post was well argued. Look, its fine you don't care what time the game is. But don't start digging in your heels and pretending like your outlook is the only correct one. Its all a personal preference. Sadly, I know you get this...I just think that you're really enjoying being the contrarian of this thread.

And yet the rest of his post was well argued. Look, its fine you don't care what time the game is. But don't start digging in your heels and pretending like your outlook is the only correct one. Its all a personal preference. Sadly, I know you get this...I just think that you're really enjoying being the contrarian of this thread.

You and I both know its more then just this thread....
Let mister high and mighty be....its hard being right all the time.:rolleyes:

You and I both know its more then just this thread....
Let mister high and mighty be....its hard being right all the time.:rolleyes:

I'd probably care what you have to say, if I could remember even one of your posts.

Love me or hate me, it's obvious that what I say sticks with you. Otherwise you wouldn't have posted on this thread solely for the purpose of munching on my taint.

No. That could potentially be the most epic game of all time.

Hear that Mother Nature? 6 inches of snow the night before USC with unseasonable 35 degree temps. The USC boys wouldn't even want to get off the bus let alone play.

You know, Lane Kiffin might be confident enough (or some would say arrogant) to actually schedule a late November/early December game with a Big Ten school. Sure ours are scheduled and done with. But I think he would be more likely to agree to future games with us (and have one of those be in late November/early December in Minneapolis) before agreeing to anything close with tOSU or Penn State.

If you challenge him for it he'd probably accept. Plus gives his "NFL caliber" players the chance to get prepared for the next level. Our NFL caliber players are always prepared, that's why they come here.

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