Updated Seat Selection Stats (4/17)

old chap

Section 211-Row 15
Nov 22, 2008
Reaction score
- Most of the stats stayed pretty similar to last time with the exception of a rise in $250 seats and a drop in $500 seats. It appears that once the "prime" $500 seats were taken, people are choosing to sit in the "prime" $250 seats over the "2nd tier" $500 seats.
- I also broke down the Gopher vs. Visitor by donation and non-donation. The non-donation seats are not tilted to the Gopher side nearly as much as the donation seats are. Stats are below.
- We've reached 50% on the $500 seats being taken
- I started tracking the East Bank Tailgate spots and 89 spots were taken over the 4 days since the last update. Roughly 22 spots per day, appears these lots won't fill too quickly.

Stats through 4/17 (4/13 in parentheses)

Total Seats Selected - 6,672 (4,745)

Gopher Side - 63% (63%)
Visitor Side - 37% (37%)

Gopher Side (Donation Seats Only) - 66%
Visitor Side (Donation Seats Only) - 34%

Gopher Side (Non-Donation) - 57%
Visitor Side (Donation) - 43%

$500 - 27% (33%)
$250 - 27% (24%)
$100 - 4% (3%)
None - 43% (40%)

Upper Deck - 23% (24%)
Lower Deck - 77% (76%)

% of Seats Taken (500 / 250 / 100 / Total Donation Seats) - 50% / 41% / 25% / 42%

East Bank Tailgate Spots - 1,280 (1,369)

Great information. Thanks again. No surprise that the $500 donation seat sales are slowing way down.

I'm interested to see what happens with the $500 seats and the tailgate parking.

I picked on Thursday, already donated $1000 this year to the "M" room, qualified for tailgate parking this year. I purchased the seats in the $250 area, so I didn't qualify by seat donation alone. When I called to as what would happen if I only donated $500 next year, the seat donations. They said I'd probably end up parking in St. Paul the following year. I chose the 4th street ramp.

What I really wonder is what happens in 3 years if we haven't turned the corner? Do a lot of the $500 seats become $250 seats?


Thanks again OC for compiling these stats.

Question: How do you track the parking spots? I'm interested in one of the West Bank TG spots...but since I don't go until May 5, I've figured that they'd be spent by then...maybe I haven't gone far enough into the process to see what's actually left...?

Again, all 'Holers appreciate your project here.

Go Gophers!

If you go into the seat selection area, you can see how many parking spots are left in each lot.

Maturi must be really happy that that 50% of the $500 are sold. Those babies are whats going to finance the Athletic Department for years to come. It is really amazing that Maturi has done what he has done without a HUGE potion of most athletic departments income. He really should be conmended for all he has done.

Also does anyone know how well the premium seating sales are going? Suites, Lodge, Clubs seats etc.

I took the tour a little over a month ago. If I remember correctly the loge boxes were sold out, and have been for some time. The suites aren't completely sold out but there aren't many left. And there were something along the line of 200 club seats left.

Change in crowd age coming soon?

Assuming that the older Gopher fans probably had high point levels, it looks like the great seats between the 30's won't be almost all older fans like in the dome since they are usually taking the non donation seat backs. It will be interesting to see if many of them don't renew after a year or two of outside weather and having to put up with younger fans standing and loudly yelling.

I saw the Vikings crowd change around 1997 so it will be interesting to see if the Gophers crowd changes around 2011.

Bench seats

I looked a few days ago and it appeared no one has selected any bench seating --is this correct?

When do people think the first bench seats will start to go. I have to think many people would prefer lower level bench seating near the endzone over upper deck seats somewhere else.

Is anyone here hoping to get bench seats in the lower level and if so what selection number are you at? I am in the 18,200 range and I figure I will have a choice between upper level chairbacks or lower level benches

Also--is anyone holding off on parking until a specific lot/ramp opens up for selections. I find it hard to believe they only have certain parking options available at a time.

I find it hard to believe they only have certain parking options available at a time.

I think they are probably only opening them a little at a time so they don't have a bunch of lots/ramps that are only about 3/4ths full. They don't want to any more lots than necessary tied up and unavailable to their contract customers.

Maroon 92 -

I don't expect a significant amount of people to choose bench seating til we get closer to 15,000 seats chosen. Someone might decide they want to sit in the front row of the end-zone and snatch up those seats, but I am guessing most people would prefer a chairback.

And the last poster was exactly right on parking. If they can fit everyone in 10 lots and not have to pay workers to man 10 other lots all day, that is quite a bit of savings for the U. I'm not sure what garages people are waiting for, it appears to me that the best options are open in all 3 locations.

Maroon92 -

There are 20319 chair back seats (upper and lower) not counting club seats, AD, visitor, etc.. There are 5433 lower level Bench Seats. So I don't think you will have any difficulty getting a pretty good lower level bench seat if you want it, considering when you pick there will still be (at least) 1800 chair back seats left.

Looks like we have our answer as to when the first open-end bleacher seats would go. Two seats were taken in section 149 today!

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