Updated article from the Strib on Royce


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Nov 20, 2008
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I honestly don't even know what to think about all of this. Personally, I'm leaning towards this just isn't right and Maturi and Tubby both blew it in their handling of this. The trespass charges, at least I think, most of agree are pretty bogus.

What's the message to recruits here? Keep your ass out of trouble and life will be good or get your ass in trouble and you're on your own?

I dunno. I'm rather frustrated with the whole thing.


Royce White first explains his suspension for the Mall of America theft incident was done with, and that he was supposed to miss two exhibition games before his return to the Gophers.

I say no chance Tubby/Maturi were going to bring him back after only two exhibition games, but thats what he believed. And now White said he thought he would get a chance to help the team finish the season strong, but Tubby said today that he never expected White to play this year. Talk about breakdown in communication between HC/AD and RW. They need to give him a time-line and let him know if hes going to redshirt no matter what or if the case is resolved by or shortly after Feb. 9th he will be reinstated and active to dress/play vs Michigan.

White's wacko pronouncements and ultimatums online and in front of courthouses (even his lawyer looked surprised by his statement) tell me we don't know the whole of the mess that Tubby and Maturi have been wading through.
My dad used to describe people as "foxhole people" meaning it as compliment. In a war, you'd want this guy next to you in the foxhole. You could trust this person to watch your back.

I know it's dangerous to judge someone you've never met but I would want Tubby Smith on my side in a conflict. He's the kind of guy you'd follow over the ridge. He has integrity.

Can anyone here honestly say they wouldn't be a little worried if Royce White was guarding your unit while you slept?

Sorry for the military references, my point is Tubby is probably still deciding if this kid can truly have his head in the game.

Page how come you didn't write the original article?

Royce White first explains his suspension for the Mall of America theft incident was done with, and that he was supposed to miss two exhibition games before his return to the Gophers.

I say no chance Tubby/Maturi were going to bring him back after only two exhibition games, but thats what he believed. And now White said he thought he would get a chance to help the team finish the season strong, but Tubby said today that he never expected White to play this year. Talk about breakdown in communication between HC/AD and RW. They need to give him a time-line and let him know if hes going to redshirt no matter what or if the case is resolved by or shortly after Feb. 9th he will be reinstated and active to dress/play vs Michigan.

Regardless of Whites perception of the situation the penalties and what needed to be down should have been documented and formally presented to all involved parties.

These are people running a multi million dollar organization. The management ability leaves much to be desired. It falls on Maturi. I haven't been a supporter or detractor of him but this whole thing really shows his lack of administrative abilities. Should he really continue to run the athletic department.

After reading the article this morning, I am convinced Tubby has made the right move regarding White. He has a toxic past which will certainly lead to future issues with this kid. Awesome talent, but he has his head buried in the sand. With the type of history of problems, does he expect to get the benefit of the doubt from anyone? Walking into dorm rooms of girls he doesn't know (on the heels of his very recent problems) is idiotic. If it was my daughter, I would press charges. Anyone who thinks it's ok to just walk into a strangers room without being invited has lost touch with reality. Fact is, the kid thinks he is special and gets priviliges that every other law abiding citizens doesn't. Move on. I gave the guy some rope because he is a kid, but after these comments I feel Maturi and Tubby are right on. Hate to lose the talent, especially this year, but enough is enough. Buckle down for the end of the year and play with the players that can act responsibily on and off the court. If we lose, so be it.

Walking into dorm rooms of girls he doesn't know (on the heels of his very recent problems) is idiotic. If it was my daughter, I would press charges. Anyone who thinks it's ok to just walk into a strangers room without being invited has lost touch with reality.

My daughter was in the dorms last year and I completely agree. That's what you get with freshman dorms though. If the door isn't locked it's damn near an invitation to come in. I was seriously concerned for her safety. Much more than she was of course because she didn't think it was really that big of a deal.

Would the Royce defenders please reconcile these two items from Myron's story this morning? "Who added that he hasn't practiced in nearly two weeks," and, "If (Smith) said (I could play Saturday) I would be back on the team," We stop going to practice and yet expect to play this week? This guy is either really immature and delusional or else he is a first class manipulator who shows signs of being a sociopath.

Yes, it appears somebody is putting the screws to him with the three separate trespass charges, but Royce White is responsible for being in that situation. I also think this could have been resolved a long time ago and Royce White had control over that also. Instead, we lawyer up, issue ultimatums, and produce videos, and spin a tale of being victimized. As much as I would have liked to have seen him suit up, it's time for White to go. He seems more suited for Balloon Boy's Dad's world than a basketball court. Yet, I notice he didn't totally slam the door this time either.

Here's a tale of being victimized...I was just browsing the historical articles on ST regarding Royce:

But White's lawyer, F. Clayton Tyler, said he'll argue that the security guard "was running at my client" and that White was "trying to protect himself," possibly making White an assault victim.

Please tell me they came up with that one before the video came out...

Would the Royce defenders please reconcile these two items from Myron's story this morning? "Who added that he hasn't practiced in nearly two weeks," and, "If (Smith) said (I could play Saturday) I would be back on the team," We stop going to practice and yet expect to play this week? This guy is either really immature and delusional or else he is a first class manipulator who shows signs of being a sociopath.

Yes, it appears somebody is putting the screws to him with the three separate trespass charges, but Royce White is responsible for being in that situation. I also think this could have been resolved a long time ago and Royce White had control over that also. Instead, we lawyer up, issue ultimatums, and produce videos, and spin a tale of being victimized. As much as I would have liked to have seen him suit up, it's time for White to go. He seems more suited for Balloon Boy's Dad's world than a basketball court. Yet, I notice he didn't totally slam the door this time either.

I agree completely. Moreover, White was never going to help this team even if he was allowed to play in the remaining few games this year. Whether he played well or not , he wasn't going to be back next year. He sees himself as a professional player. On that ambition I wish him well. But, one-half and out is not going to help the team in the long run. As far as the NBA is concerned I have read a number of mock drafts for 2010 and his name doesn't appear on any of them.

On the trespassing charges, I wish people would stop referring to these charges as bogus or unfounded. The charges were pressed against Royce to hold his feet to the fire concerning the theft of the computor. Telling what he knew was always an available option. It was a legal tactic employed to protect the student population at the U. My guess is that he again refused to aid police in this matter and so the case was turned over to the courts for trial.

So I truely wish him well. But, I hope that now this insanity is over.

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