Update: Jedd Fisch fired in Jacksonville and hired at Michigan

Jan 16, 2009
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He must interview extraordinarily well, because he keeps getting better jobs with no results.
Have any of his offenses improved during his tenure?

The reasoning given was that he put "too much on the plate" of rookie QB Blake Bortles. I do not think anybody on this board would be surprised by that assertion. Little Jedd just cannot help himself.


Yep, he majorly messed up Weber by trying to create a super complex offense using parts of a million different systems. Fisch is kind of like Lane Kiffin minus the famous dad, he keeps on ketting really high profile jobs yet doesn't seem to have the results to back up the positions he is given.

Yep, he majorly messed up Weber by trying to create a super complex offense using parts of a million different systems. Fisch is kind of like Lane Kiffin minus the famous dad, he keeps on ketting really high profile jobs yet doesn't seem to have the results to back up the positions he is given.

As much as I cannot stand Lane Kiffin, you have to give him props this year. The Alabama offense was very productive. Fisch, on the other hand, does not seem to improve the offenses of the teams that he has worked for. It will be interesting to see where he lands. It amazes me how coaches can have poor track records, yet, continue to get jobs. I guess once you get into the old boys club of coaching, it is very difficult to get thrown out. Must be nice.

Yep, he majorly messed up Weber by trying to create a super complex offense using parts of a million different systems. Fisch is kind of like Lane Kiffin minus the famous dad, he keeps on ketting really high profile jobs yet doesn't seem to have the results to back up the positions he is given.

He's long been a terrific offensive mind, his ability to lead an entire team is questionable at best.

We keep being told this with no evidence.

He was referring to Kiffin. It's pretty difficult to question his statistics, results, and recruiting as an offensive coordinator.

He was referring to Kiffin. It's pretty difficult to question his statistics, results, and recruiting as an offensive coordinator.

Yeah, Kiffin has some track record. Thought he was still talking about Jedd.

per Football Scoop:

Michigan: Peter Schrager of Fox Sports is reporting that former Jacksonville Jaguars offensive coordinator Jedd Fisch will be offered the pass game coordinator role on Jim Harbaugh’s staff.


Go Gophers!!

Yes, yes yes

per Football Scoop:

Michigan: Peter Schrager of Fox Sports is reporting that former Jacksonville Jaguars offensive coordinator Jedd Fisch will be offered the pass game coordinator role on Jim Harbaugh’s staff.


Go Gophers!!

Fisch to Michigan is perfect. Perfect so he can hose up all and future quarterbacks for the Wolverines for as many years as Harbaugh will allow. Let the throwing of tennis balls begin. That and the 5,000 page passing game playbook seal there coffin in to sucking year after year.

He won't last long at Michigan...I predict 1 year.

Fisch to Michigan is perfect. Perfect so he can hose up all and future quarterbacks for the Wolverines for as many years as Harbaugh will allow. Let the throwing of tennis balls begin. That and the 5,000 page passing game playbook seal there coffin in to sucking year after year.

Remember the change in throwing motion that he thought Adam Weber needed. I think this was the start of the "bounce pass to the receiver" and the "throw it up to the 5th row" when your best receiver is wide open. This is a net positive for the Gophers.

Not Brewster's worst hire, but in the top 3.

Remember the change in throwing motion that he thought Adam Weber needed. I think this was the start of the "bounce pass to the receiver" and the "throw it up to the 5th row" when your best receiver is wide open. This is a net positive for the Gophers.

Not Brewster's worst hire, but in the top 3.

You're being awfully nice to Jedd.... Man, some of Brewster's hires were bad though...

His idea to change Weber's throwing motion was abysmal.

Fisch is obviously a very smart guy, he just might not be a great teacher. He's been impressive enough to constantly move up the ladder in a short period of time and, if he accepts the job at Michigan, this will be the first position he's taken that's a definitive downgrade from his prior position. He was only at Minnesota for a year, but it sure seemed like the depth of his playbook was too much for college kids to execute. That's an easy mistake to make for a guy who had been in the NFL for eight years and who's only experience in major college football to that point was as a grad assistant. Much like the criticism of Brewster, the criticism of Fisch is overboard from most Gopher fans. If he stayed more than one year and didn't adjust his playbook, the fan base would have more of a legit gripe about the guy.

His issues with Gus Bradley in Jacksonville centered around Fisch putting too much of his massive playbook on Blake Bortles plate. Jacksonville's offense was terrible the two years he was there and regressed in many fans eyes and Bortles did not improve much as the season progressed.

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