Unusual amount of players used?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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7-8 WR's, 6-7 LB's, Hageman out for many plays. Heat related? Or just a young team and a coach seeing what he has? Depth is a good thing, but I would like to see the rotation tighten up a bit.

7-8 WR's, 6-7 LB's, Hageman out for many plays. Heat related? Or just a young team and a coach seeing what he has? Depth is a good thing, but I would like to see the rotation tighten up a bit.

It was the first game. How the hell is Coach Kill really gonna see what he has unless he puts them in the line of fire. The rotation can be tightened up a bit after the 4 OOC games are completed, because then we and the Coaches will be able to better tell the who, what, where, when, and why of it all.

7-8 WR's, 6-7 LB's, Hageman out for many plays. Heat related? Or just a young team and a coach seeing what he has? Depth is a good thing, but I would like to see the rotation tighten up a bit.

I was watching that prettly closely. I actually liked it, for the most part, but I was thinking it would tighten up in the 4th quarter when the game was still in question; most of the starters playing more of the minutes.

I really thought the rotation of the D-Line would pay more dividends late in the game. I liked rotating the DT's and the DE's regularly like they did.

UNLV did very very little substituting, which makes sense since Hauck has said on numerous occasions (like Kill) that they just don't have the depth that they want yet. I really thought UNLV would wear down more later in the game but at that point they were running on adrenaline.

I think the massiving substituting is just another indication that Kill has a vision for the LONG haul; I expect to see more of this through the nonconference, and then tightening up a little when they hit BT play.

Probably both. We were talking about it in the stands and came to that conclusion. Didn't notice what the Rebels were doing. Even with all the substition, the D-line and Gray both looked absolutely gassed by the end of the Fourth Quarter.

The only blessing of what seemed to be the LONGEST TV timeouts in College Football history is they got a lot of rest during those damn things.

I think Kill is going to rotate the wrs all season, he's been known to do that in the past.

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