University Avenue traffic going east


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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With the season soon upon us, can anyone provide an update on the construction and access from University Ave. east of TCF to Hwy 280 going north.

There is a lot of trackwork going on right now between the U and the Westgate Station. Things are a little behind. Stadium Village and Prospect Park stations are behind schedule for construction.

I work in the shadow of the Bank, and I think the word that best describes the traffic situation around here due to the constructions is "cluster*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#."

I park at the stadium and the route I take changes weekly. Hopefully, the University will have a plan in regards to game-day traffic to announce the week before the first home game. I don't plan on being in a hurry coming or going.

I met a friend at Big Ten the other night. The area around Oak and Washington is a complete mess. Even walking to a destination is a major inconvenience.

hopefully Mn/DOT will be putting in extra time/effort to get the area back up to schedule considering that football season and school at the U will be starting soon. you would think some political types have applied that pressure to them to get back up to speed in the area.

supadupafly said:
hopefully Mn/DOT will be putting in extra time/effort to get the area back up to schedule considering that football season and school at the U will be starting soon. you would think some political types have applied that pressure to them to get back up to speed in the area.

Central Corridor isn't a MnDOT project.

Central Corridor isn't a MnDOT project.

Mn/DOT, Metropolitan Council, Ramsey County, Hennepin County....which ever redundant group of bureaucrats is in charge. just hope they require that walsh construction and the subcontractors put in some extra time to get it back on schedule before football season and school begin.

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