Unashamed Exhibitionists

Interesting read GW, well done. I didn't realize that a team could do two of one, or one of both. I wouldn't mind if Minnesota did one of each so they could go up against a regional foe (Marquette, Iowa State, Mizzou, etc.) in a closed scrimmage and then one exhibition game as that way you get the best of both worlds. But with the need for cash, I can't seen the U going away from two ticket gates.

Thanks for the article.

Go Gophers!!

I am with Bleed as I'd love to see one of each. One exhibition game for cash for the department/experience of an actual game atmosphere and one scrimmage for the better competition and teaching moments.

Would prefer 1 of each, for sure. One exhibition game is enough. I always have a sense of anticipation to see the new players/team for the exhibition opener, but my interest in the second exhibition game is minimal. Bottom line is it's a second game that doesn't count on your record.

Quite often I'll skip the second exhibition game or try to get rid of the tickets, if I can find anybody who'll use 'em (not always easy). Not a lot of takers.

while i understand the message that our resident trevor mbakwe hater and legal eagle was trying to get across about exhibitions vs. scrimmages, i must say that the tone and style in which this article was written comes off as a bit whiney and smarmy.

would give the article a B-.

just as writers/journalists get to critique athletes they also need to be critiqued. :)

Good article. I remember you explaining this to me last year when Sullinger had a big day against Baylor (I think) in an exhibition and I was wondering about the set up.

I enjoy the exhibition games, wish we played Winona State every year.

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