UM Band Alumni raising funds to send........


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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.....the band to an away game.

The campaign is making steady progress toward supporting the Marching Band Indoor Concert and sending a band of student musicians to an away football game this fall. A big thank you to everyone who has contributed thus far. We hope this is the beginning of a new program to support more engagement opportunities between student musicians and alumni, fans and the many prospective U of M students and musicians throughout Minnesota and beyond!

The donation link is available on our homepage: Or you can Donate Now from this email

Please share this page with anyone you think may be interested in the campaign!

Thanks and Go Gophers,

Rob Atkinson
UMBAS President

Great idea and thanks for the link Bayfield!

A worthy goal to say the least. Adding to the Gopher gameday experience at away games is an investment in the future of the team and its financial success.

A big shout-out to my buddies who are spearheading these efforts. You know who you are!

Could the campaign organizers clarify something? The letter says "sending a band of student musicians". Is it a band or the band? I was in "a band of student musicians" that went to Iowa in '03. They basically sent all the student leadership because they couldn't afford the full band. It was fun to go but a little embarrassing that other schools send a full band and we send a pep band. I'd rather they send no band than a pep band and save the money for when they can afford to send the full band.

Could the campaign organizers clarify something? The letter says "sending a band of student musicians". Is it a band or the band? I was in "a band of student musicians" that went to Iowa in '03. They basically sent all the student leadership because they couldn't afford the full band. It was fun to go but a little embarrassing that other schools send a full band and we send a pep band. I'd rather they send no band than a pep band and save the money for when they can afford to send the full band.

I second this motion.

Could the campaign organizers clarify something? The letter says "sending a band of student musicians". Is it a band or the band? I was in "a band of student musicians" that went to Iowa in '03. They basically sent all the student leadership because they couldn't afford the full band. It was fun to go but a little embarrassing that other schools send a full band and we send a pep band. I'd rather they send no band than a pep band and save the money for when they can afford to send the full band.

I agree. If the full band can't go (or at least a pregame block) they should just save up until they can take the bigger group.

I don't remember. Did USC send their full band to TCF or a "smaller" version?

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