UGLY Buckeye helmets...


former west banker
Dec 3, 2010
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This is what they're wearing at the OSU spring game!

I wonder how much Pryor is going to sell this one for after the game...

The athletic dept. sold 25 of the helmets after the game for 1K a piece and sold out immediately. They probably pre-sold the rest to alum for teh same price and gave a few away to big donors. Ugly to some, but more $$$.

They are brutal. The whole camo-uni thing has to stop.

Yes, very ugly...though I'm not sure how these are any uglier than their current helmets, which are also atrocious. Frankly, between the OSU football and the hideous basketball uniforms, I don't think there could possibly be many more schools in the nation with worse-looking uniforms.

But their success goes to show you that uniforms don't really matter to anyone but the fans.

Boosters with big $$$$$$$$ help them much more.

Where did the $$$$ from the auction go?

If to the OSU Athletic Department, shame on them.

If it goes to help the families of servicemen and reservists deployed, good for them.

It may be to honor the military, but they still are ugly. There's no waiting at the recruiting center if people want to actually do something instead of putting on ugly stickers.

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