Ugliest Stadium Poll

Ugliest Field Poll

  • Bronco Stadium

    Votes: 4 5.7%
  • LUB Field

    Votes: 11 15.7%
  • Roos Field

    Votes: 11 15.7%
  • Estes Stadium

    Votes: 5 7.1%
  • Kinnick Stadium

    Votes: 36 51.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Section 243
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
Here we go ladies and gentlemen, we're voting on the ugliest field. Here we go in no particular order:
1) Bronco Stadium, Boise State
2) LUB Field, Lindwood University-Belleville, Illinois
3) Roos Field, Eastern Washington
4) Estes Stadium, Central Arkansas
5) Kinnick Stadium, University of Iowa
6) Other

1) Bronco Stadium - The Original
Boise State.jpg
2) LUB Field - Really?
3) Roos Field - The Grunge State shows their true colors
4) Central Arkansas - Hillbilly + Impressionism = UGLY
Central Arkansas.jpg
5) Kinnick Stadium - this poll would not be complete without an Iowa reference. Who hates Iowa?
6) Other

Good poll Rescooter and great pictures that absolutely underscores how ugly Kinnick is. Iowa is definitely the hands down winner. :cool:

Go Gophers!!

Kinnick stadium is so ugly that it turned Lois Feldman into a MetroDome fan.

Keep in mind the Hubert H Humphrey Metrodome(aka Mall of America Field) is still around.

Stadium or field? Kinnick is a dump, but I would find it impossible to watch a game on a blood red field.

Stadium or field? Kinnick is a dump, but I would find it impossible to watch a game on a blood red field.

This. There are certain truths in life: the sky is blue...the field is green...the beer is cold.

I voted for Boise's field because they started this whole "fad" or whatever you want to call it. Although Kinnick is dumpy, it's the fans and surrounding 4+ of nothing but corn and pig crap that really make it what is.

Hahaha this thread hasn't even been up for a day, and some pantherhawk-esque troll is coming by our board to...well, um....I don't know what he's trying to do. Go crawl back in your manure filled hole you live in and think about how the Gophers have Floyd. And how we lead the all time series. And how we have more National titles. Many more.


Hahaha this thread hasn't even been up for a day, and some pantherhawk-esque troll is coming by our board to...well, um....I don't know what he's trying to do. Go crawl back in your manure filled hole you live in and think about how the Gophers have Floyd. And how we lead the all time series. And how we have more National titles. Many more.


AND how we now have a much finer venue to play our home games than do those who play in Kinnick-Kinnick stadium.

Gotta say, as much as I don't Like Iowa, Kinnick does not belong on this list. From a field standpoint, it's just fine. From a stadium standpoint, it is a pretty good College stadium. Nothing fancy, not a lot of bells and whistles, but a good brick stadium.

If you want to talk ugly stadiums, Camp Randall's overall appearance is pretty bad (Particularly the home side on the outside of the stadium), although I enjoy watching games there.

Stay classy gopher fans. Even with a brand new stadium you couldnt beat Iowa in the B1G stadium rankings. So what does MN do...."that poll sucks, lets make up our own poll"
If you live in a glass house, you might not want to chuck rocks around. Let's not talk about class when your fanbase likes to take the time to pork drunken housewives in our restrooms. I was down on the field after the Gophers won in Kinnick in 99. Didn't even consider defiling any portion of your stadium. I congratulated my favorite team, took some photos and left everything as it was when I entered the building. Kudos to Iowa though, they've gone well over a week without having a player arrested for sexual assault or drug possesion. Congratulations on having a stadium ranked higher than the Gophers. TCF may not be respected, but all-world coach Kirk Ferentz has never won there. Your uber-classy fanbase anointed it "Kinnick North", how's that working out for you? That bitter taste in your mouth is Marqueis Gray and company hoisting the pig for the third year in a row. See you in late September.

C'mon - when you throw Iowa in the poll it's just too easy!

Cute link. Just in case you forgot what Floyd looks like, here is a video:

Go Gophers!!

While I partially agree with MplsHawk on Kinnick not belonging on the list, I had to LOL at Ferentz's choice to call that last timeout at the end of the game in the video.

BTW as previously stated I would have bumped Kinnick and put Camp Randall on that list. Horrible sight lines and ugly fascade in some areas. I stand corrected if they fixed these problems during their recent remodel.

Clearly none of you has seen the quonset hut that the Idaho Vandals play home in.

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