U Band playing in bars?

they should play Hail Minnesota in between the 3rd and 4th quarter and after the game, then the pumped in music. That would be cool.

I agree, the Varsity thing at Wisconsin gives me goosebumps, we should be able to use our Hymn in the same way.

I was at a hockey game. I noticed that the little black ball they use was flat, but they just kept on playing. I tried to tell them their ball was flat, but they just looked at me funny.

People don't mingle at halftime, there's no room. People either stay in their seats or brave the long lines at the concession stands or at the bathrooms. It's a dilemma, do you use the bathroom or go to concessions while the game is being played? This means shorter lines, but you miss some of the game. Or do you wait till halftime, when you won't miss any of the action, but the lines will be long.

I remember hot dog vendors in the aisles at Twins games in Metropolitan Stadium. No waiting in line.

I thought it was very classy of the UW Band to play the Rouser as the second tune of the post game show. I can't remember if our band does that or not for the visiting Big Ten teams. I know for sure a few years back they played the visiting team's song, but can't remember if they have done it recently. If not I hope they do again. It is just a classy Big Ten thing to me.

Band plays it during Pregame for all Big 10 games.

I was also having the understanding last year that the band was going to visit tailgate lots and bars, etc but it looks like that hasn't happened. I happens at the other campuses I've been to.

A small pep band did stroll through and play in the tailgate lot I was in a couple weeks ago, FWIW.

The scoreboard shouldn't focus on individual band members. If you're down low, you often can't make out the formation that the band is doing. That's one benefit of being in the cheap seats, you can see the band formations. The scoreboard should focus on the formations so that everyone can see them.

How about a Salute to Video games? The band could play music from video games, and they could make formations to simulate playing the game. Better than Jackson 5 music. I have loved it when the band brought back some old classics, I liked the William Tell Overture, with the band forming an apple, a bow and an arrow.

The scoreboard shouldn't focus on individual band members. If you're down low, you often can't make out the formation that the band is doing. That's one benefit of being in the cheap seats, you can see the band formations. The scoreboard should focus on the formations so that everyone can see them.

How about a Salute to Video games? The band could play music from video games, and they could make formations to simulate playing the game. Better than Jackson 5 music. I have loved it when the band brought back some old classics, I liked the William Tell Overture, with the band forming an apple, a bow and an arrow.

Yes the old school picture shows are great stuff, like the arrow going in to the apple, the Rose Bowl throwback show at the USC game I thought was pretty effective also.

As for the salute to video games I saw the Hawkeye band do just that in 2007, it was a lot of fun, and relevant to most people at the game under the age of 60.

The band loses pretty much any credibility playing Lady Gaga "Poker Face" week after week. What a horrible song and artist. Like there aren't a 1000 better songs a band could play. C'mon man!

Send an email to the director with songs you would like to hear the band play. Maybe also donate a couple bucks too because the band has to purchase the rights to the songs they play.

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