Two questions if we keep Clayes


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Nov 28, 2008
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I do not envy Coyle's position. No matter the decision he has upset people. While I would bet Clayes is gone, let's assume for a minute that he stays. I would GUESS that given everything that has happened Coyle would be keeping him with some regret. If true....

1.) Regarding the contract, it has to be friendly to the U. If u r Clayes, do u accept a contract with basically the exact same terms, with perhaps an even lower buy out, just to keep your job?? I would think any contract offer from the U will be minimal years with little to no raise and a very friendly buyout. Does Clayes accept that?

2.) If my assumption about Coyle keeping Clayes begrudgingly is true, does Clayes have to, at the very least, replicate what he did this season next year to avoid having the U take advantage of a cheap buy out? If Clayes goes 7-5 next year I would think that removing him then, a year later from all this mess, would be much easier for Coyle. What kind of record next season would fans, and the U, find acceptable after this year's 9-4 mark?

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I get the impression that TC will tell MC to take a hike if he doesn't offer something fair that shows a commitment. He would be able to get a DC job fairly easily and another chance at HC down the road. Just my impression.

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I do not envy Coyle's position. No matter the decision he has upset people. While I would bet Clayes is gone, let's assume for a minute that he stays. I would GUESS that given everything that has happened Coyle would be keeping him with some regret. If true....

1.) Regarding the contract, it has to be friendly to the U. If u r Clayes, do u accept a contract with basically the exact same terms, with perhaps an even lower buy out, just to keep your job?? I would think any contract offer from the U will be minimal years with little to no raise and a very friendly buyout. Does Clayes accept that?

2.) If my assumption about Coyle keeping Clayes begrudgingly is true, does Clayes have to, at the very least, replicate what he did this season next year to avoid having the U take advantage of a cheap buy out? If Clayes goes 7-5 next year I would think that removing him then, a year later from all this mess, would be much easier for Coyle. What kind of record next season would fans, and the U, find acceptable after this year's 9-4 mark?

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What would your questions be if Coyle is signing Claeys without regrets? Expect for Mark and Tracy regrets about what happened on 9/2 and it's aftermath.

What would your questions be if Coyle is signing Claeys without regrets? Expect for Mark and Tracy regrets about what happened on 9/2 and it's aftermath.

Not sure, but I don't really consider that to be a possibility. It seems plausible that if Coyle was 100% behind Clayes the extension would have already been completed, or at the very least, clearly indicated by Coyle and the U that the extension was desired but contract details just need to be ironed out.

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Does Claeys have an agent this time around?

I get the impression that TC will tell MC to take a hike if he doesn't offer something fair that shows a commitment. He would be able to get a DC job fairly easily and another chance at HC down the road. Just my impression.

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Yup. Make dipstick Coyle pay up.

I do not envy Coyle's position. No matter the decision he has upset people. While I would bet Clayes is gone, let's assume for a minute that he stays. I would GUESS that given everything that has happened Coyle would be keeping him with some regret. If true....

1.) Regarding the contract, it has to be friendly to the U. If u r Clayes, do u accept a contract with basically the exact same terms, with perhaps an even lower buy out, just to keep your job?? I would think any contract offer from the U will be minimal years with little to no raise and a very friendly buyout. Does Clayes accept that?

2.) If my assumption about Coyle keeping Clayes begrudgingly is true, does Clayes have to, at the very least, replicate what he did this season next year to avoid having the U take advantage of a cheap buy out? If Clayes goes 7-5 next year I would think that removing him then, a year later from all this mess, would be much easier for Coyle. What kind of record next season would fans, and the U, find acceptable after this year's 9-4 mark?

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Why should the contract be favorable to the U and not equitable to both parties? Both parties need to be all in for this to work. Not sure about others here, but I wouldn't take a below market deal and work for a boss that doesn't support me.

Why should the contract be favorable to the U and not equitable to both parties? Both parties need to be all in for this to work. Not sure about others here, but I wouldn't take a below market deal and work for a boss that doesn't support me.

So you would take a lesser position at another company that pays 1/3 of the pay, if you are lucky? Yup, I am gonna say the cards are in Coyle's hands on this one. Claeys doesnt have any leverage here.

Yup. Make dipstick Coyle pay up.

I don't get the hate for Coyle. What would you have liked to see him do differently. Unless I am mistaken, wasn't it Hutton that leaked everything that made this a bigger deal before any appeals could be completed? Coyle couldn't release any information about the suspensions. Not sure what more he could have done.

So you would take a lesser position at another company that pays 1/3 of the pay, if you are lucky? Yup, I am gonna say the cards are in Coyle's hands on this one. Claeys doesnt have any leverage here.

I don't think that Claeys would necessarily have to take a contract valued at 1/3 of where he's at now. Based on what Claeys did with this defense, there are schools who would be willing to pay top dollar for him as a DC. I would never take a job where I'm being set up to fail.

A poor contract will not help recruiting. It will be seen for what it is, a patch to fire him in 2017.

I'm not sure that Coyle holds all of the cards. If Claeys doesn't accept a lesser contract and stays it will hurt recruiting, likely including the current class. It also won't help the transfer situation regarding the suspended players (Green). If Claeys walks (I don't think he will) who would take this job?

Why should the contract be favorable to the U and not equitable to both parties? Both parties need to be all in for this to work. Not sure about others here, but I wouldn't take a below market deal and work for a boss that doesn't support me.

If I were a boss, I wouldn't extend a contract to a subordinate who publicly doesn't support me. As in, Claeys and his tweet.

Why should the contract be favorable to the U and not equitable to both parties? Both parties need to be all in for this to work. Not sure about others here, but I wouldn't take a below market deal and work for a boss that doesn't support me.

Whatever the u of m offers isn't below literally is the market

Not sure, but I don't really consider that to be a possibility. It seems plausible that if Coyle was 100% behind Clayes the extension would have already been completed, or at the very least, clearly indicated by Coyle and the U that the extension was desired but contract details just need to be ironed out.

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Should have typed "without regrets" but you led to it with the "Coyle keeping Clayes begrudgingly". My mistake.

That aside, you really think that if Mark Coyle wanted to sign Claeys, that with everything going on, he would have just ignored it and gave T.C. an extension earlier in December or right after the Badger loss?

True, Coyle hasn't shown anything to the public here to earn much respect, but you have to give him enough to think that he's not an idiot.

That seems unfair to M.C.

I don't get the hate for Coyle. What would you have liked to see him do differently. Unless I am mistaken, wasn't it Hutton that leaked everything that made this a bigger deal before any appeals could be completed? Coyle couldn't release any information about the suspensions. Not sure what more he could have done.

I am with you DL. Unless we want to go back to September, and fault him for not giving the boot to the four or five involved then.

I have never seen anything from Coach Claeys that directly criticizes or blames his boss for anything involving the 09/02/16 scandal that occurred or anything that has occurred since. The coach if he wanted to make sure the players were behind him and had his back, and would play well for the bowl game had no choice but to accept and go along with the boycott of the bowl practices the team started. I never read or saw any words in that tweet that condoned sexual violence, sexual assault or none of the things that his detractors and proponents of his firing have projected on to the head coach.

There should be obvious changes to the recruiting policy's and practices of the football department. I don't think the University has any choice, and neither do the coaches in having more oversight, and more check in policy's and situations to make sure no conduct is out of control or illegal. I agree that there needs to be more hands on training about the conduct policy and the expectations are for all student athletes. They may not like it, but individuals in the football program have brought the microscope and spotlight down on the handling of recruits and recruiting practices, the players and the staff, will have to show accountability whether they like it or not. Things will have to be above board, and without scandal for many, many years to come. There is a lot of healing, and repair that needs to take place, and we have no choice but to expect conduct that is held to higher standard than the rest of the University community. I think Coyle and Claey's can work together and I hope they give this opportunity to reflect about all that has happened this season, and the chance to affect positive change a chance.
To often it is easy to toss the baby out with the bathwater or just get rid of everyone in a firestorm. At some point you have to come the realization that I may need some of these people going forward to have the opportunity to have success and improve attendance and winning at football in the Big 10 conference. None of this stuff is easy, a lot of the hard work still needs to be done, but for me I want some of the people that have been tested, that have had to live through this process, involved in the decision making process going forward.

Whether Coach Claeys likes it or not, he probably is going to have to become more of a public face of the program, and he is going to have to be very forthright about the privilege of playing football at Minnesota, and the expected conduct going forward, for all levels of the program. He may even have to improve his own physical image, and make changes that will allow him to continue as the head coach. I believe he is good at coaching football, but he is going to have to also show that he is a good leader for young men, and a good role model as the coach. His strength is trusting his staff and coaches to be good at their jobs. He will need to renew his commitment to all of the players parents that he will do his best to, mold, supervise and guide the players as they grow into adulthood.
May not be fair, but changes have to take place. Coach needs a plan to make sure that the discipline in the program and the expectations are followed by the team. To me the best chance we have to move forward is to have some of the individuals here in charge, continue to lead the program going forward. Minnesota football has become a threat in the conference, they are starting to show they can be highly competitive with the programs that are ahead of us. Now is not the time to turn back, it is time to build with better bricks and make Minnesota fans proud of their University and football team, again.

If I were a boss, I would extend a contract to a subordinate who publicly doesn't support me. As in, Claeys and his tweet.

Probably would have thrown him under the bus at the Press Conference too.

Then you do call yourself a bum. :D

Probably would have thrown him under the bus at the Press Conference too.

Then you do call yourself a bum. :D

Typo in my post. It should have said "wouldn't".

Claeys is a good guy. Coyles probably is too. But you can't have people in the chain of command undermining those above you. I just don't see them keeping Claeys and it working out. If they keep him, Claeys is on borrowed time. They should all just part ways and let everyone involved move on to their next challenges in life.

Typo in my post. It should have said "wouldn't".

Claeys is a good guy. Coyles probably is too. But you can't have people in the chain of command undermining those above you. I just don't see them keeping Claeys and it working out. If they keep him, Claeys is on borrowed time. They should all just part ways and let everyone involved move on to their next challenges in life.

Don't disagree with that at all. Just don't see Claeys, Coyle and Kaler agreeing to just walk away.

Here is what I see happening. 5 players will be suspended and get an opportunity to return to the team, in a diminished capacity in a year. 5 players will probably never return to the U. Claeys, the AD and the President all retain their jobs and think nothing of GH speculation. Reforms will be around recruiting. Maybe only upper classmen should chaperone 17 year old recruits. And, just maybe, we limit recruiting visits to a much more narrow time frame that can be supervised to a much greater extent and make it more formal. The players should not be coming to the U unsupervised by their parents or a responsible adult greater than 5 years older than the player. All player contact with the recruit should be limited to reasonable hours, like not past 11:00 pm. This isn't a human rights issue, it is a matter of protecting the U, other students, the player and the recruit. If we lose recruits because the U does not appear sexed up enough, too bad.

This will not be a popular position, but it seems reasonable to me and others. Just read recommendations at schools and churches around communities of youth and these are not unusual policies. The U may find this point of view useful in handling young recruits so far away from home.

Does Claeys have an agent this time around?

I would guess yes...hope he does. Mas said he would be his agent a couple weeks ago on KFAN. That would be awesome...would pay big $$ to be a fly on the wall in those meetings.

Here is what I see happening. 5 players will be suspended and get an opportunity to return to the team, in a diminished capacity in a year. 5 players will probably never return to the U. Claeys, the AD and the President all retain their jobs and think nothing of GH speculation.

Just a little different take on your analysis. 5 players should never return to the U; not of their choosing. The other 5 should be suspended for a year; and get the opportunity to return in whatever capacity they can earn. My guess would be that no more than one or two will, as they'll have no other options. Kaler and Coyle will retain their jobs and think nothing of GH speculation. Claeys to me is a toss-up. I don't think the U will go all-in with him, and many here are of the opinion if he doesn't get a long-term, market rate contract that he's gone. If that's the true analysis then I think he goes. If Hutton goes nuclear on the programs, as he's suggested; then the U is in for another four or five year drought. No coach or 4 or 5 star will even give the program a look.

If Claeys stays I truly believe that the upper classmen will be much better at policing their younger teammates.

I get the impression that TC will tell MC to take a hike if he doesn't offer something fair that shows a commitment. He would be able to get a DC job fairly easily and another chance at HC down the road. Just my impression.

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If he gets a "push" kinda contract, such as what he already has. I bet he takes it.... but effictly also does what you say. If he doesn't have an agent he gets one, starts shopping early.... if only because he could still build his resume further here before moving on.

That's kinda my biggest concern. Coyle poisons the water by being a dick now.

If they move forward with ANY coach they should keep things positive and encouraging. The stupid statement about Tuesday made it sound like Coyle thought he was Tracy's disappointed dad or something, and he put that out publicly .... even if unintentionally it sounded that way.

If he gets a "push" kinda contract, such as what he already has. I bet he takes it.... but effictly also does what you say. If he doesn't have an agent he gets one, starts shopping early.... if only because he could still build his resume further here before moving on.

That's kinda my biggest concern. Coyle poisons the water by being a dick now.

If they move forward with ANY coach they should keep things positive and encouraging. The stupid statement about Tuesday made it sound like Coyle thought he was Tracy's disappointed dad or something, and he put that out publicly .... even if unintentionally it sounded that way.

Totally agree. The tone of everything he has stated publicly is amazingly lacking of any direction or inspiration. And he's responsibly for dictating the culture in that department. Incredibly disappointing.

I don't get the hate for Coyle. What would you have liked to see him do differently. Unless I am mistaken, wasn't it Hutton that leaked everything that made this a bigger deal before any appeals could be completed? Coyle couldn't release any information about the suspensions. Not sure what more he could have done.

I don't think everyone believes he's done poorly on this but his biggest flaw is that you are the AD, you are the face of all things athletics, and you do not make public appearances so you can at least be seen. Hiding behind canned press releases is pretty lame when you are in that position. In controversial times you need to lead, and leading is not done behind a canned press release. Leading is not done when you go to the bowl game and according to those that were there not socialize and mingle with boosters that help fund your programs. Like it or not that is huge part of your job, a real leader sucks it up and despite the tough questions goes out and doesn't what they should. Hell Beth Goetz as a temporary AD was WAY more out front with the media and in hindsight I give her props, she did a fantastic job that way.

If he gets a "push" kinda contract, such as what he already has. I bet he takes it.... but effictly also does what you say. If he doesn't have an agent he gets one, starts shopping early.... if only because he could still build his resume further here before moving on.

That's kinda my biggest concern. Coyle poisons the water by being a dick now.

If they move forward with ANY coach they should keep things positive and encouraging. The stupid statement about Tuesday made it sound like Coyle thought he was Tracy's disappointed dad or something, and he put that out publicly .... even if unintentionally it sounded that way.

I'm with you. My thought was if he gets a BS contract offer that is obvious to him he is a lame duck coach for 1-year, I wouldn't be surprised if TC doesn't accept. He wouldn't be a DC in '17, but would definitely land at one of these "quality control" coaches that are the new CFB arms race and his resume may be better going into '18 that way then having been fired. Just a thought, that's all.

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I'm with you. My thought was if he gets a BS contract offer that is obvious to him he is a lame duck coach for 1-year, I wouldn't be surprised if TC doesn't accept. He wouldn't be a DC in '17, but would definitely land at one of these "quality control" coaches that are the new CFB arms race and his resume may be better going into '18 that way then having been fired. Just a thought, that's all.

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I disagree. If he doesn't return in 2017 he will get an offer from at least one MAC school as a HC.

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