Two comments made that fit the Gopher Football team


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Nov 21, 2008
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I was watching Baseball tonight and in a review of the Dodgers v Phillies series an Curt Schilling made the comment that its the little things that fuel a streak. For the Dodgers every one on the team cannot wait to play. Everyone is contributing to the wins. They are playing to win. The Phillies are on the other side of the coin. They are playing not to lose, they are stiff, and plays they normally make lead to runs and extra bases. Too many times the Gophers fell pray to the latter. I believe Coach Horton tapped something and Coach Kill and staff are well on the way to playing to win. It sounds simple, but it apparent when it is played. If you need evidence, last season was instructive from the openner at USC to the wins against Iowa and Illinois they became a team, and big plays seemed to go our way.

The second comment came from a study of whether professional athletes are made or just born with talent. The comment made in any case hard work can overcome talent, until talent works hard. While many will argue we need more talent, no one can argue everyone on the team is expected to work hard. Some examples of talent working hard and making a difference could be Michael Carter, Rasheed Haggemnan, and Marquis Gray.

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