Twin Towers to start against LVille

I sure hope not, based on how lost they looked last game starting together.

Realistically though, I believe that Gophersports always just bases their notes on who starts on who started the previous game. I don't think the Tubby himself even knows until the day before or even day of a game (depending on who's playing well, who's hurt, etc.).

Iverson & Sampson

Those two looked rough when they played together on the offensive end. Defensively, they could make things tough for the Cards to score in the paint.

I think DJ is our best passer in the post. Keeping both freshman big men in at the same time denies DJ that opportunity. Some of my favorite offensive moments this season have been DJ's touch passes. Man is that guy good.

But maybe that is Tubby's plan. Play DJ with Big Jon more often. Jon won't feel the pressure to score when he's down low with DJ. Platooning them with Big Jon and DJ might be the way.

I have faith that the chemistry will come and the big guys will start to feed off each other. If not, it will all crumble and we'll have a terrible, terrible season.

The names of the starting five are overrated. With Tubbies rotation, some one will be substituted for by the 4 minute mark.

For the life of me I don't understand why JAS starts. I understand we need him for depth, but not to start off a game. He looks absolutely lost at times out there, and that is not good when you are a senior. His defense is average, his shot is below average. At least the Hoff has the ability to get the team off to a hot start.

Prove me wrong JAS.

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