I think you're falling into the trap that almost all the national media types have fallen into in thinking that it was the workout itself that sent these kids to the hospital. It wasn't like they were working them out, one kid went down, they sent him to the hospital, they kept working the others hard, a second went down and they sent him to the hospital, the workout continued until they finally had sent them all to the hospital one by one.
They all had completed the workout when their bodies started shutting down. The workout was over. They started feeling symptoms and several ended up in the hospital.
As I said earlier, I would guess this will be traced back to these guys taking some tainted supplements or creatine or something like that.
The workout these guys went through is definitely a tough one, but it isn't anything that they haven't done before. It isn't that different or more fierce than programs being used in all college football training rooms across the nation. The Iowa S&C coach is one of the best there is. He's is highly respected. To have 13 players end up in the hospital has to lead one to a conclusion that there is a variable at play here (probably supplements or something similar). It simply wasn't just a tough workout that put 13 guys in hospital beds at once.
That doesn't mean this isn't serious or that everyone is let off the hook, but this idea that the staff there was working them out so hard that they were picking them off one by one and sending them to the hospital is wrong.