Tweet Jeff Jones a Happy Birthday from Gopher Fans


Aug 27, 2009
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@xoxothatblonde tweeted that she will be sending screenshots of all Happy Bday tweets to Jeff (he doesn't actively use Twitter). Go to her account and tweet back at her; let's show the future face of the Gophers some love.

Mods, please do not bury this in the Jeff Jones thread.

Congrats Jeff on not using Twitter. You are smarter than I thought. ;)

I hope the kid has a happy birthday. I don't know him. I am not going to "shout out" to another person to have a birthday message delivered.

I saw Jones play twice in high school. Outstanding player. I hope he picks the Gophers, but have no illusions that a birthday tweet from a 40 something guy will sway his decision.

Happy birthday Jeff Jones

Happy B-day and we will see you in Pasadena near the neon sign in a couple years. Continue to wear that #21 in Maroon and Gold (sorry I missed that). The number has Marion Barbers jr's legacy attached so do him proud as a Gopher and tear the Badgers a new one at Camp Randall next year. It will be time to buy a new #21 Jersey with Jeff Jones wearing it this next season for the Gophers, will have to retire the faded Barber variety that has gotten a little small. I don't like to wear Jersey's to games but if Jeff is on board, I will be wearing 21 again. Michigan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Penn State are going to have to get used to empty trophy cases the next four years.
SKI-U-Mah and go Gophers

Oh how Jeff would love a birthday wish from me. I'm thinking it will be the deciding factor in his recruitment :).

@xoxothatblonde tweeted that she will be sending screenshots of all Happy Bday tweets to Jeff (he doesn't actively use Twitter). Go to her account and tweet back at her; let's show the future face of the Gophers some love.

Mods, please do not bury this in the Jeff Jones thread.

That makes two of us since I don't tweet either. Happy Birthday to Jeff Jones!

His birthday is January 10th? What an awesome kid... (We share a birthday)

This seems a little perverse. I'm glad some people have the good sense to not tweet at recruits Happy Birthday let alone tweeting their mom.

I'm also glad to hear Jones doesn't have Twitter. Life is easier without that social media stuff. I haven't had any social media for more than five years. It was a great day when I deleted my Facebook page so many years ago.

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