Tubby's coaching weaknesses


Section 133 Row 28!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 20, 2008
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First off, I'm glad Tubby is our coach. He has brought our program back to relevancy as quick as one could hope. With that said, I think it's clear that he has some weaknesses when it comes to coaching the game of basketball. The two main ones I see are 1) his offensive game planning and 2) his in game adjustments.

Everyone and their mother knew that Miami would come out in a zone against us last night after our ineptitude against it in Anaheim, yet our guys looked lost for the first five minutes trying to score against it. How is this possible??? Most basketball players lick their chops when they see a zone because, if properly attacked, zones are very easy to score on. The offense Tubby installed to run against it last night was one where the 5 rotated from block to block as the ball was swung around the perimeter and the four other guys took turns made half-assed cuts from the wing through the paint to the corner. It was ugly. How about putting some one at the high post? How about rotating players in and out of the low block? How about having a guy running the baseline? These are all common and proven strategies tobeat a zone and I haven't seen any of them used this season.

Then, when players like Ralph last night show early on that they are not "on" and contributing nothing when on the floor, Tubby continues to keep them in the game. I would be curious to see Ralph's +/- last night. If he isn't rebounding AND he's getting beat in the post AND he's missing his 8-12 footers why is he in???

Those are two examples from last night, but after watching last season and the start of this season, it's clear that these are two glaring "holes" in Tubby's "game" that are consistently a problem for us. These are problems that have nothing to do with talent level and fall squarely on the shoulders of the coaching staff.

Go Gophers! Beat Brown!

Good post, agreed. I thought Tubby would "get it" after Anaheim in regards to attacking the zone D, but maybe hess
Just clueless. If only his offensive sets were half as good as his defensive philosoohy...

And now it begins. Could it be that they just can't shoot free throws or field goals?

Maybe Tubby needs an offensive coordinator like Phil Jackson did with Tex Winter? Seriously. Maybe he just has a poor grasp of offensive basketball and needs to hire an offensive minded assistant to get the offense together? When he was at KY many people complained about his assistants and when he came here he hired some new guys but maybe one of those KY guys was an offensive guy. I just wonder how a guy can be such a respected coach and his team has shown 0 offensive flow or consistency in 3 years.

And now it begins. Could it be that they just can't shoot free throws or field goals?

Certainly better free throws would have won the game for us last night, but Miami isn't that good of a team. I think at least 7, if not 8, current BT teams would have handily beaten that Miami squad even with FT shooting as bad as ours was. As for field goal percentage, that is largely a product of our inability to create good looks in our current offensive system.

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