Tubby's All-Star Friday Night Tip-Off

From the Barn

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand away we go.

Schedule of events: http://www.gophersports.com/sports/m-baskbl/spec-rel/100411aaa.html

Streaming Here: http://video.btn.com/allaccess/ or here http://t.co/pdQdasmV

The twitter hashtag of choice is #gophers I suppose. I'll be tweeting there, many others will be as well. Click here to follow along: http://twitter.com/#!/search/#gophers

A list of attending alumni is here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150356989047943.374629.6129582942&type=1

Finally! Basketball!

The hashtag was chosen long before I discovered twitter. Hopefully folks will know a blue line slapshot froma free throw line dunk.

The hashtag was chosen long before I discovered twitter. Hopefully folks will know a blue line slapshot froma free throw line dunk.

I was asking you and gopherholer's that post on twitter if we couldn't start a new one? Crazy concept, would be next to imposable to change... not.

#GophersBB would be easy, looking for suggestions not smart ass comments.

If gopherhole, Nadine, GW used one it would catch on... just a thought.

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